Caring Lessons, By Lois Roelofs

“Caring Lessons: A Nursing Professor’s Journey of Faith and Self” is a beautiful memoir”

· Author: Lois Hoitenga Roelofs
· ISBN : 978-1935265375
 ·ISBN-10: 1935265377

· Publisher: Deep River
· Publishing Date : 2010
· Price 13.99

Lois Roelofs takes us on a journey from being a reluctant nurse , restless Mom, questioning things along the way into becoming a fun, well loved teacher. Throughout her career Lois learns and cares for patients in a mental health and medical surgical atmosphere. She takes on along with her as she learns values of not only caring for herself, but others as she struggles to find her place in life. While changing jobs to keep herself challenges as well as happy she craves to learn more and takes on personal as well as family crises arise throughout her life.

This book seemed like a perfect read to me, not even sure why at first but the description had me intrigue. Finished within two days I was laughing, and taken back at what Lois had, and still has going on in her life. She takes you along with her as she tries to rebel against her studies. She’s reluctant, yet the more she puts herself into nursing school and goes through more experiences you can clearly see not only was she made to be a nurse, she was made to be an inspiriting teacher.
Though many times Lois questioned what and why she even started, her little quirks, humor and strive for learning more kept her plowing through her life. Lois kept going over hurdles, one year down, classes done, different jobs, restlessness in her own life, personal  (chronic) pain and loss, she kept going. Not everyone can do that, and though parts of the book were sad, Lois is a wonderful inspiration in this memoir. Her amusing humor had me glued to the book. Her values of friendship, faith, family and her own need to be challenged made for an excellent read. I enjoyed reading her commitment even as a rebellious young girl , and how she grew into a stronger, more inspiring woman that took on life even as things got harder. I’ve certainly learned the appreciation and dedication it takes in caring for yourself as well as others.

I encourage anyone who questions their faith, and life to read this book. Lois takes you on the steps, and paths she took to change what wasn’t working for her. She encourages her readers to learn from life’s lessons and keep at it. Instead of making things her weakness, Lois devoted herself to learn, challenge herself and make it into a new strength

Lois has written a remarkable book on her journey through struggles and most of all her success! You can pick up a copy yourself at or any major book seller!

**Disclosure-I received the book Caring Lessons to read and review. No monetary compensation was received for this post. I did not have to write an honest review,  Any and all opinions are and will always be my own. **


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