New Year New Garden Plans

It’s that time again if you haven’t already started to plan the summer garden. Mine is usually planned well in December , I keep things growing throughout the seasons so I’m always in the planning stage.

Summer gardens, whether flowers, herbs or vegetables you need to start with what can grow in your area. Check out your zones, of course then jot down what you’d like to grow. See if they’d grow well in your area and work from there. This is from USDA

You can also look up your local area online, states, cities, towns some list what grows well in the area.
If you already went and bought seeds, always check the back to see how to grow them. Some are recommended to be started only indoors, others can be sowed directly outside and or indoors. They will also tell you how deep if needed and what soil, drainage and sun they need.

Growing plants can be much fun but it does require a lot of time and patience. You also have to plan it out, weeks in advance so you’re on time to transplant outside. Daunting task for some, others like myself thrive with the added challenge. Which ever you choose take a trip to your local nursery and don’t be afraid to ask someone who knows what they are doing any questions you have.

 I will start back up with the weekly garden posts with identifying , growing, care, harvest and even seed collection. They will always be posted on Sundays, so don’t miss out!


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