To be lazy again..

Sundays are meant to be lazy. Alright, My Sunday’s are meant to be lazy. They never are though. Every week I keep saying the same thing, and every week there I am doing everything. My kids wake up super early after going to bed still running circles around me, which if you think about is pretty darn amazing to accomplish.
  They are still too young to even have the foggiest idea what sleeping in means, or better yet what weekends are meant to be like. Lazy. Do nothing. Sleeping in. They instead, wake up on the dot same time everyday, argue in the first seven minutes and require four different kinds of cereal. That all in turn makes a huge mess, as always.
   I love them, of course with all my heart, and I’m sure in a few more years when they are the ones begging me to let them sleep in, I’ll miss this craziness. For now though, I strive for some sort of “lazy” part of my day. Oh to be a lazy little kid again 🙂 We all dream of that don’t we?
    This dish speaks lazy, and comes out wonderfully every time. With warm sun ripened tomatoes from the garden and fresh mozzarella cheese you have a beautiful side dish to any meal. This was first served at Christmas several years ago, since then, it’s been demanded on every Sunday as well as all holidays.

Marinated Tomatoes & Mozzarella

1 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
1 pound Italian tomatoes
1/2 pound fresh packed buffalo mozzarella cheese, sliced
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon seasoned pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder with parsley
Fresh basil leaves (optional)
In large resealable plastic food storage bag. Combine all ingredients except whole basil leaves.Mix well. Marinate in refrigerator at least 30 minutes. To serve arrange tomato and cheese slices on serving plate. Garnish with whole basil leaves if desired.
**The way I do this, Using a Ziplock container (same ones I used the Artisan bread,)  Lay some slices of the cheese on the bottom of a ziplock container, lay some of the tomato , cheese, again and the last of the tomato before pouring in the ingredients. Close the container and just flip it upside down a few times to get the juice everywhere. I do that a couple times before serving. If you have left overs, which we sometimes do, simply pull it out 30minutes before you want to serve so the liquid separates a bit. The longer it sits in the fridge the thicker the marinade gets. Not that it doesn’t taste good in a sandwich but it doesn’t set up well on serving plates after a day or two.
A wonderful way to eat up leftovers is toast some bread, heat up the cheese slices with some of the wine marinade and  (about 10 seconds till just soft and warm) Top the bread with the cheese and add a marinated tomato. Wonderful zesty sandwich !
 I was able to use my Heirloom Tomatoes, I love how they look!

Enjoy a lazy Sunday !



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