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Let your weird light shine bright so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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#Giveaway- Superior Source Vitamins! #SuperiorSourceVitamins #Microlingual #InstantDissolveTablets
It’s been a sizzling summer so far here in Middle Tennessee and it’s about to get even hotter with some amazing deals with Superiors Source

Declutter Your Mind
It’s been a bit since I wrote , a lot of things have been happening around here. And while change is good, it doesn’t always
National Stress Awareness Month Enter to #Win #SuperiorSourceVitamins, #Microlingual, #InstantDissolveTablets #SuperiorSource when
Did you know that April is National Stress Awareness Month? These days stress can easily take us down, or make it seem like an entire

Teaching Yoga for Anxiety , while being anxious!
Oh the humor is alive and well within this journey of mine. My Somatic Teacher Training for Mental Health is going well and strong. We’ve

Sourdough Bread
My daughter and I have been enjoying our adventures in making sourdough starter, and using it. We’ve made hamburger buns, dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, French

Giveaway!Join the UNGUMMY Movement with Superior Source Vitamins! #SuperiorSourceVitamins #InstantDissolveTablets #Microlingual
Welcome to the UNGUMMY Movement! Tired of the sugary vitamins and all those colored gummies for your little ones? Introducing Superior Source Vitamins, that are
Mediations and Inspiration
Don’t Think too much. You’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place.

Nature Walk Meditation
During these stressful times it’s important to take the time and relax. It’s not always easy though, with things going on around us at such

Do Mindfulness Meditation Anywhere
There are many different types of meditation but the same basic steps are required for each. It’s slowing down, taking time to focus back on

Crash Course In Mindfulness Meditation
These days as I watch people run about left and right I wonder how many of them realize if they spent five minutes a day

Stress Relief Essential Oil Roller Blend
Oils are a wonderful thing to have at hand where ever you are. I keep a go too oil first aid kit in my bag

DIY Essential Oil Candles
My family loves arts & crafts! Since the kids were very young they have always enjoyed doing crafts of all kinds. Now as they are

DIY Bug Spray To Keep those Bugs Away!
Bugs, they are everywhere, and unfortunately they all seemed to find my family last night. Yup, those bugs are out and having parties on people
Here you can find my most recent posts about my journey of Yoga & Mental Health Teacher Training.

Checking In With Yourself Is Important
My Somatic Yoga Teaching Class started back up after the holidays, and we are learning about Yoga for, depression, anxiety, stress and burnout the last

Start Where You Are
This past week in class we were learning about teaching yoga for depression and anxiety. My teacher, Deniz Aydoslu, mentioned something that got me really

This is most defiantly going to be split up into a few differently posts. Each time I sit down and try to write it out,