Stop Making Yourself Miserable.

Whether you are stuck in traffic and cursing out the other cars, or impatiently standing in line behind someone at the checkout who is slowly paying with coupons, It’s time to Stop. 

Will cursing at cars in the same traffic jam make things move quicker? Will glaring at the back of a person’s head while they hand over several more coupons at the checkout make things go faster? Will shouting at people get you what you want?

No. The answer is no. So why do any of them?

We are in a bad habit of going to the negative very quickly, and over nothing we can control- which is the entire problem. You have no control over the traffic so why get mad? Nothing you do will make it go quicker, and all you are doing is making yourself upset as the minutes tick tock on by. You are stressing your body and mind out for no reason what so ever, and just all around sucking the happiness out of your own life- not the traffic, not the coupon person, not the internet company if it goes down- YOU.


You are responsible for your thoughts at all times. You have the power to be Happy, or be Miserable. The choose is yours. 

Stop letting ego control your thoughts and actions, and choose to be more aware, more mindful in the moment in which you’ve been gifted. Catch yourself in a moment of frustration , take a deep breathe and let go of the negative. It is ok to feel frustrated , or upset, do not let that emotion control your movements or actions or further thoughts. Accept that traffic is traffic, use the time to call a friend, or listen to your favorite music, listen to a audio book! 

Whatever the moment is, standing in line waiting on the coupon person, you can choose to stand there making yourself more tense , or you can relax and enjoy the moment to yourself. I’ve had many people apologize to me when they take too long at the register and my response is always the same- ” No problem! There’s no rush, I’m enjoying the quiet right now, take your time!” 

Shopping alone while my four kids are at school is another form of meditation for myself. Shopping with them is enjoyable as well, but it’s the fact that no matter what the circumstance, or who is with me-  I choose to happy and enjoy.

Here are some Mindful ways of shifting into a Positive mind!

  • Washing your dishes as a way to have clean plates to eat more delicious food
  • Paying your bills as a way of having hot water to enjoy a relaxing bubble bath
  • Cleaning your house as a way of decluttering your surroundings and your mind, plus it’s an extra workout!
  • Exercise as an opportunity to connect with your body and become stronger
  • Use the time your stuck in traffic to listen to your favorite songs on the radio
  • Waiting in line in a public space as an opportunity to start a conversation with a stranger
  • Missing your favorite TV show as an opportunity to finally read that book you always wanted
  • Missing the bus or the train as an opportunity to go for a relaxing walk

Each moment is a gift, don’t ever take it for granted. Stop making yourself miserable and start living a more happier peaceful life by being more mindful of each moment. If you cannot control the situation change your perspective on it and focus on the positive. You will become much more happier and balanced day to day. 



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