Anything But Wordless..

Little M-“Jingle Bells, Jingles Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh- Wait Mom?”
Me- “What?”
Little M- “What’s a sleigh?”
Me- “It’s a vehicle horses pull, with big wheels and you can sit in it.”
Little M- “Oh ok..Jingle Bells, Jingles Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open -Wait a minute Mom?”
Me- “Yes?”
Little M- “Why is it open? Won’t you fall out?”
Me- “No, you sit in seats, while the horse pulls you along. It has sides just no top-“
Little M- “No top?! As in you can see the sky?”
Me- “Yup.”
Little M- “That’s pretty neat. Jingles Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse – Wait a minute Mommy?”
Me- “Yeah?”
Little M- “Why not two horses?”
Me- “Not sure, I guess they just wanted a song about one horse.”
Little M- “Two horses are better. Jingles Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun- Why is it so fun anyways Mom?”
Me- “You get to ride in a sleigh, with a horse pulling you while you look at everything going by. It’s a ride, an adventure.”
Little M- “Why are bells jingling?”
Me- “I guess the horse wears bells.”
Little M- “Mom, now wait a minute, your telling me one horse is wearing bells just so it can jingle ?”
Me- “Yup.”
Little M- “That’s strange, that would be noisy, and then the ride would be just jingling bells jingling loudly as we went everywhere. I couldn’t hear anything but bells go -dong -dong-dong clank clank clank- Mom that isn’t fun, that’s noisy, and noisy is not fun. Why would someone sing about Jingling bells on a horse and say it’s fun? “
Me- “Umm, I uuuhh.”
Little M walking away arms shaking in the air – “It’s not even Christmas Mom, I’m singing something else!”
Me- “Ok.”
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