Automotive Tips

*Disclosure : This is a Sponsored post written by myself,  all opinions and text are all mine.


With regular proper car maintenance you can easily  lower your risk of accidents which, in time, can lead to lower car insurance rates. Who doesn’t love lower rates am I right? We don’t need bigger bills so if there’s a way to help keep that price lower I am all in! Here are some general tips. 

Keep the car Clean! 

If you have dirty windshields and mirrors you are easily obstructing your view, making it more dangerous to drive. Keep  all windows and mirrors clean at all times. After it storms it’s a good idea to check the car , clearing off an debris including ice and snow, never clear just a small space for you to barely see out of. Make sure the roof and hood are also clear of mud, snow or ice as this can fly up or slide down on to your front window. Always repair broken, cracked windows as soon as possible. Be sure to replace windshield wipers on time as well. Most blades have a suggested use , but I generally change mine every 6 months before they start to get messed up. 


Check your Lights often! 

It is dangerous to drive with any of your car lights not working, headlines, tail lights or turn signals, not to mention against the law. Missing and or very dim lights can make it hard for other cars to see you at night. Or when you are driving and your turn signal is out drivers behind you are not aware of your next move making it possible for an accident. You can reduce both the chances of totaling your car or even a traffic ticket by making sure all lights are always working properly. Your local auto stores are happy to help you find the replacement bulbs if needed and even help you install them. 


Check those tires !

Have you ever heard the phrase “kick the tires”? It  refers to checking to see what shape the tires are in. Driving on under (and or over) inflated tires can lead to loss of control or skidding. Usually more modern cars have a signal for when the pressure is off so do not let this light stay on very long before checking your pressure. Most all gas stations provide a air station in which both checks the pressure and adds to it or you can decrease air until it’s at the pressure recommended for the tires ( read your manual for this before adding air) Bad tires cause issues with breaking over time making it difficult to prevent hitting the car before you. Balding tires are also very unsafe so always check the treads. 


In addition to these simple maintenance tips, you need to also check the  brake fluid, coolant levels, wiper fluid and oil levels where they need to be. It’s easy to keep a maintenance log within the car so you know the last time oil was changed, or you put oil in, and so forth. Keeping the car in tip top shape helps keep you out of accidents and at the same time keeps that car insurance down!  



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