Baked Buttermilk Donuts

My Mother always made these amazing drop donuts, I’ve been making them for years and they are always a hit with the kids. It’s this big massive rounded yeast dough, you snatch a piece off and just carefully drop it into oil one by one. The kids always like watching them pop over when one side finishes cooking, but it was still a couple hours before anyone could ever enjoy the donuts.
No one likes to wait for the donuts, so while I absolutely love the drop donuts, sometimes the amount of time to make it just isn’t in the cards.
It’s time to break out the donut pans!
Baked donuts take away a lot of the wait, about 98% of it! In under 20 minutes you could be biting into a light fluffy donut with your choice of glazes or toppings. I love how they taste, they are not dense, but light and really go well with many coatings. I keep it simple with vanilla and chocolate glaze. This recipe makes 12.
Omg can we say yum?! These donuts look absolutely delicious! I must give your recipe a try
These look so good. I have been wanting to make donuts for so long. I wonder if I would mess these up. They sound delicious.
Adriana Lopez
Those look amazing I wish I had one of those now to enjoy with coffee. Loving also that your recipe is simple.
Ann Bacciaglia
This will be a great recipe to make with the kids this weekend. I will have to get the ingredients I need this week.
Saidah Washington
Thanks for the delicious recipe. I love making donuts at home and usually fry them. I’m gonna try this because I have all of the ingredients.
Neely Moldovan
oh goodness these look good! I have had such donut cravings during pregnancy! So good but so bad!
hey sharonoox
These looks yummy! I always love a good tasty donuts. This sounds like an easy recipe to make. Thanks
Divya @ Eat. Teach. Blog.
I would never have guessed these were baked, just by looking at them! I love donuts but typically avoid them because they are all fried and fried food doesn’t sit too well in my stomach. I’ve gotta try this out!
Well, baking them definitely does take some of the calories out as the others are done in oil. However, sometimes you just have to have the oil taste!! Love these but don’t have the baking pans, maybe some day.
Ken Payne Jr
very interesting, I’ve never heard of them being done this way
Oh my goodness, this looks so so good! I love donuts, so this has to be delicious.