Beyond Sugar Shock – Review

Connie Bennett has written Beyond Sugar Shock, the 6 Week Plan to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction and Get Slimmer, Sexier, and Sweeter in an attempt to help people create a healthier way of living.

I really looked forward to reading this book, as you know my husband is diabetic so any book with information on how to help curb or leap over those addicting sugar habits is welcome in our house. I help as much as I can with my husbands meals, but he himself finds it difficult to stop those cravings. This book was very informative and gave us extra tips that have helped out!

 Bennett takes a straight forward approach to talking about a subject most want to avoid. There’s a quick quiz you can take to see if your “hooked” on sugar or not. Like any basic quiz, it just gives you an idea of where you may stand in your sugar cravings.

Throughout the book there’s tips, guidelines, ideas, preventive measures that you can use to curb that addiction. Entertaining and a real eye opening for some. Bennett includes some helpful recipes to form a meal plan that can help any sugar crazed addict into a  healthier eating style.

If you think it’s too hard to curb that sweet tooth I encourage you to pick up Beyond Sugar Shock, it’s easier than you think to cut out added sugars and switch your eating habits before it’s too late

You can pick up a copy from right here . Connie Bennett also wrote, Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life– and How YouCan Get Back on Track. I downloaded that on my ipod and it’s also a great read, both very good books to have in your library!

**Disclosure- I received the products mentioned above , in order to write an honest review. No monetary compensation was received for this post. I did not have to write a positive review, Any and all opinions are and will always be my own.* 



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