Blueberry Mint Flavored Water

Flavored water, oh how I love you! It’s also super easy to make, now if only my kids will stop eating the fruit long enough for me to make a glass once in awhile. Any berry in this house is gone within hours after bringing it to the table. Step away for a moment little hands snatch it all up before I can do anything with it, so the fact that I actaully got a picture let alone got a sip of this drink was pretty lucky on my part.

Skip picking flavored water up at the store, though they are convenient there’s extra ingredients added into the water that are not natural at all. This is an easy and tasty way to get your healthy fix on flavored water.

Fresh mint from the garden is 

Always use fresh and whenever possible organic ingredients this way you get the full flavor as well as sweetness the fruit brings. You can let this sit in the fridge over night or just let it steep for the 2 hours before enjoying it.

How to make Blueberry Mint Flavored Water-

2 cups blueberries
2 springs mint

Place fruit and herbs in a large pitcher along with approximately 1 cup of water . Using a muddler or the end of a wooden spoon, slightly crush the herbs and fruit . Don’t squash the fruit too much though. Now add 3 cups of ice and fill the pitcher with water and let steep for about 2 hours.

Simple and tasty! Enjoy



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