Book Review – Until I Find You by Rea Fray

Review By Jennifer  – I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. You can get your copy here

Ok, I just finished reading this and have to review it while it is still fresh in my memory. I am going to do my best not to give away any spoilers, so this may end up short, so I do not get away with myself…Have you ever ridden a roller coaster or an amusement park ride and gotten off and all of your friends are like, “ Let’s go on this next” and you are left being dragged along with your head all gobbled up from the last ride and aren’t quite ready for the next one? Well, this is how I feel right now-HOLY CRAP! Was that the teacups or was it a rollercoaster that had a dead drop and I was in the first car? Not sure, but Rea Fray has done it again! She has a way of writing where she MAKES you feel! If you aren’t completely screaming in the middle of this book, you are heartless, shallow being! I was screaming, freaking out and OMGing. I decided to read this book in the middle of a hike. I decided to take a break and read, well my reading break kind of lasted until the end of the book. Yeah, not the BEST place to read a freaky book in the shade of the forest alone! I am going to be thinking about this one for a while!

We start out with Rebecca, a blind woman pushing her son, Jackson in a stroller. A woman approaches her and startles Rebecca because Jackson’s anklet fell off. It is a bracelet with bells, so she knows where he is at all times. Rebecca has the feeling that someone is following her. Rebecca ends her walk in the park. Jess, Beth with three-month-old Trevor strapped to her chest all meet up at the park to meet up with Rebecca and Jackson. They share a bond as moms, but Rebecca has been through the ringer with her husband Chris dying about a year ago and her mom dying just two months ago. Rebecca returns home to find her door open. She is sure that she locked it. She calls her friend Jess and they call the police. Officer Toby finds nothing missing, but Rebecca soon realizes that some things are out of place. A blind woman knows EXACTLY where things are, as it is important when walking through rooms and needing certain things. We are then lead on quite the adventure, so buckle up and cancel your plans for the day because this book grabs you, sucks you in and doesn’t let go until it is over. My heart is still racing after reading this and I am not sure when it will stop. I need to go do some yoga or drink some wine. Enjoy!


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