Breaking Bad Season 5

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Are you a Breaking Bad fan? I am now a HUGE Breaking Bad Fan! 

Jumping into the obvious, you need to watch the season from the start. I recently reviewed the 5th season and yes I did fall in love with it, I want more, more more! I had to do some back tracking to follow things though and have really enjoyed doing so. If you are a fan already you know what it’s all about quick run down on the series and how it started. ( Don’t worry no spoilers here) 

The first season aired in 2008 and the second half of the 5th season started Aug. 13, 2013 ( 5th season is broken into two parts I reviewed the first half of 5) 

How it began-

It starts off with a pretty mild mannered high school
chemistry teacher unexpectedly adopts a criminal new lifestyle after he finds
out he has cancer. Bryan Cranston who plays Walter, who suddenly realizes he needs to secure his families financial situation and that can’t be done with his teaching job. What’s a man to do? 
He hears about a raid on a crystal meth lab that took place and how million of dollars worth of drugs had been seized. Walter has it in his head that he can make the best meth out there and goes to work. Enlisting a former student and drug pusher Jesse Pinkman ( Aron Paul) They get down to business. 

Fantastic so far, I am currently in the middle of the second season so I won’t say much to spoil those who haven’t seen the show. Cranston fits the character perfectly he make the man come to life and you really feel for him. The family is typical middle class, average family that most people can relate too- though I wouldn’t be jumping into the drug business but the man makes it happen! He lives with his wife Skylar who at the start of the season is pregnant with their second child so it is something that may happen. A man at the end of his rope, a close end in sight, he’s dying he needs to make sure his family has when he’s gone. 

The show does not hold back, with a cast of believable characters and a edge gripping plot you are pulled within it’s story and left wondering what will happen next. I was not surprised at the way it was put together, I watch of Course shows like Dexter and True Blood so no holds barr is something I’m used to seeing but the world Walter partakes in is brutal and he’s faced it dead on.  It really took me by surprise how well this was put together. 

Breaking Bads airs on AMC, Sunday 9/8 Central time.  Creator Vince Gilligan (The X-Files), you know it’s already got a great start. If you liked Weeds or even the Shield  Dexter True Blood you must see Breaking Bad. It’s got the attitude, the flow and the edge you don’t want to miss. Great, writing, perfect cast watch as Walter continues to make a killing in his new job in the meth business. 

You can pick up Breaking Bad past season on Amazon, either DVD’s or stream them through instant video. Season 5 contains 8 episodes on 3 disks and is loaded with a ton of extra’s. 

Do you watch Breaking Bad? What’s your favorite season?



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