Candy Bar Cookies

Few years ago I was scrambling to come up with a gift for not just teachers , but friends and even family. Growing up, my family often gave homemade items. On either side of the family, those homemade gifts went further than anything else, and it was because of the thought and love put into it. While I’m sure my kids teachers would just love a Starbucks card, I also know they’d be getting about thirty of them already, so in search of something that would go to use – happened along some gifts in a jar. Simple concept, most all the ingredients and the recipe came with the jar, all that was needed to create the recipe was wet ingredients. 

They make great gifts!

They make great gifts!

First year I did it, all the people that had been  gifted the jars came back with rave reviews on it, how it had come in handy in a last minute need for cookies or even brownies. Such a simple thing and yet, can really come in handy when needed, so it began a tradition. Each year I go on the hunt for recipes in jars and begin making them the first week of December. From bread, cookies to brownies and even a few pasta meals thrown in, it’s become a really nice way to give to people with what I have on hand. Today’s recipe is Candy Bar Cookies, and let me tell you this- with four kids and an abundance of Halloween candy ( YES, there is still some left) this is a great mix-match recipe to use. Whatever candy bar you have on hand has now a new purpose-> to become a cookie!  

Candy bar Cookies

 I made this one with malted milk balls, my kids had a ton of them and no one was eating them either. This would be great with any chopped up candy bar you have on hand. 

What you need

  • One Quart Size Mason Jar with a wide mouth. 
  • kitchen funnel  or a piece of paper if you’re like me and don’t have a nifty funnel 


  • Rosey

    Those sound so good to me. I love candy bars and I love cookies too. 🙂

  • Marielle Altenor

    I’ve been looking for gift ideas for my son’s teacher. I love the idea of giving homemade gifts for Christmas. My only fear is that someone would have allergies so I would save those homemade gifts just for close friends and family.

  • Rachelle

    Oh my these look perfect for a holiday cookie exchange! I’m going to have to try these out this weekend!

  • Jennifer Mercurio

    I’ve actually never gotten a gift like this but always wanted to! Why can’t someone else me cookies in a jar?! lol. This recipe looks especially tasty because you could change it up depending on who loves what type of candy bar.

  • Tess

    Its the best time of the year to make cookies! Ill be adding these to ur recipes.

  • Paula Schuck

    I have never tried making candy bar cookies. This is a great way to use up some leftover Halloween candy.

  • Ann Bacciaglia

    Candy bar cookies look so delicious and easy to make. I am going to try making these on the weekend with my kids. I am sure they will be a big hit.

  • Jeanine

    I love the jar cookie idea. So fun, and my kids love it. These look delicious. I would love to do some of these up for my kiddos.

  • Annemarie LeBlanc

    I can make these cookies and put them in a nice decorative jar and give them as a gift to friends who have a sweet tooth. Thanks for the recipe.

  • Theresa

    Candybars and cookies? That’s like the perfect sweet treat right there!

  • Onica {Mommy Factor}

    Wow. nice idea. My kiddos loves cookie and this one will probably perfect for them. I’m going to make this. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  • Lady Lilith

    How nice. This looks like a really adorable idea. I love it.

  • Sarah Bailey

    I am all for a good cookie – love one with a cup of tea, I shall have to try and make these myself sometime soon. x

  • Liz Mays

    I’d love to whip some of these up! I think the Malted Milk Balls were definitely a good choice. I’d try those too.

  • Catherine S

    This is such a cute idea. I have a couple friends who would love to receive something like this as a gift.

  • Pam

    I love making cookies around the holidays! These look like they would be delicious!

  • Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom)

    These are so great. I got one one year and loved it.

  • MyTeenGuide

    What a great gift idea. I think it’s cute to give a jar with all the cookie ingredients in there. The candy bar cookies look yummy.

  • Terry

    Those cookies look AhMazing! You know I can’t eat them, but what a great gift to give to my friends who can.

  • Amanda Ripsam

    Completely agree with the other ladies when they say they want to make these cookies with the kids. My kids would have so much fun making them but the cookies when we bake here usually don’t last long so we would need to tipple the recipe to make a even larger batch.

  • Amanda || Growing Up Madison

    Now this is something that the kids would totally love. I’m going to have to make these.

  • Robin Rue (@massholemommy)

    These are perfect for my family cookie exchange. They sound delicious.

  • Daisy

    What a fun idea! I bet that you are right that the teachers receive a ton of Starbucks gift cards that are great, but a homemade gift like this stands out. We bought a pretty jar of cookie mix like thisi for my son’s preschool teachers and she told me how awesome it was because she received a ton of baked cookies and was able to save the jar for later. When we had a bad ice storm and Dallas basically shutdown, she said that she made the cookies and they were awesome!! I bought the jar of cookie mix last time, but I’d love to make this jar with your recipe for this year. It’s such a cute gift!

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