Recipe Challenge: Day 16 -Spinach Tofu Burger
Pin It Who doesn’t like a awesome burger? I mean come on! No one can say no to a delicious juicy burger. Am I right? I’m right, I know I am which is why
Recipe Challenge: Day 15 – Chicken Biscuit Bake
Pin It My Grandmother sent me this recipe, I’m always excited when she sends me one. Since I live well across country now I don’t get to see my family at all, so a
Recipe Challenge: Day 14 – Shortbread Cookies & Greens Pie
Pin It Another double recipe day! Couldn’t help myself I made a bunch of sugar cookies for the kids and friends, and let’s just say I’m tired of them b
Recipe Challenge: Day 13 – Baked Eggs with Spinach & Buttermilk Biscuits
Pin It Dinner plans changed again due to, well cookies. I’ve been baking cookies all day, and just didn’t have enough time to prepare what was planned. This is a double
Recipe Challenge: Day 12 – Bean Burgers
Pin It Do not, I repeat do not tell my kids I served them a bean burger! Not that they would complain, considering they ate every last ounce but still, if they knew it was a bean b
Recipe Challenge: Day 11 – Rosemary Focaccia
Pin It It’s been raining here a lot these days which brings soup into the dinner plans. Nice hearty warm soup needs a partner, and that today is Rosemary Focaccia . It&
Recipe Challenge: Day 10 – Breakfast Granola
Pin It I’ve made granola before, but it was much more clustered, something to snack on more than anything. This granola is more like a breakfast cereal, o
Recipe Challenge: Day 9 – Ranch Seasoned Pork Tenderloin
Pin It Today was super busy, super crazy, super all over the place. Dinner plans changed due to lack of time to prepare anything and I fell back on the most shortest recipes ever g
Recipe Challenge: Day 8 – PB & J Muffins
Pin It My Grandmother emailed me this recipe two years ago, and I just recently came by it again. Hate when I lose a recipe , but love finding it all over again! My kids love
Recipe Challenge: Day 7 – Cheese Crackers
Pin It Run out of crackers? Don’t want to run to the store? No worries, make the crackers yourself! Awesome aren’t they? I love them! Now go make some yoursel