Cinnamon Raisin Bread

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Awhile back I tried to make this Nutella Cinnamon bread, turns out Nutella doesn’t bake well in bread. Or maybe I messed it up- who knows! Still tasted good but the nutella swirled throughout the bread baked out crumbly and it made a mess.

I’m trying to make a better bread for you guys so stay tuned. In the mean time you can enjoy Cinnamon Raisin Bread 


  • Erin

    Yummy and easy recipe. I used a little more sugar (maybe 2 Tbsp) to the egg mixture, 1 Tbsp cinnamon to the flour and 1/4 cup raisins added to the dough. It gives a little more flavor to the bread portion. It tastes more like the bread my grandmother used to make.

  • Diane

    How long am I suppose to roll the dough? What size of loaf pan should I use? Cinnamon – raisin – bread,,,swirl.

    • Melanie

      You’re just rolling the dough out to a rectangle and the width of the loaf pan. So it won’t take long to roll out maybe a minute?

  • Chery

    When do you use the egg and milk for brushing? Do you use it before the butter and before putting on raisins and sugar? I just brushed on the butter before adding fruit and sugar. Or, is it for the top of the bread?

    • Melanie

      Before the butter/raisin mix

    • Mary

      I have been trying to bake a prefect cinnamon raisin bread and it keeps having a big hole in the baked bread what am I doing wrong
      Can you help me!

      • Melanie

        I just got notified of this message I am SO sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

        Big holes in the bread mean it wasn’t rolled tight. It’s just air and normally it will be within a swirl, simply go slower when you roll the dough up and keep it tight. It happens even to me once in awhile, sometimes you can’t avoid it but try rolling tighter and see how that works! Good luck!

  • Judy

    Can this recipe be done in a bread machine?

    • Melanie

      I am not sure, what the conversion or steps would be for that!

    • Doug

      How much milk and butter is mixed together to spread on dough prior to spreading butter, sugar, cinnamon and raisins?

      • Melanie

        I’ve updated the recipe, the milk/egg mixture was actaully for the TOP of the dough before baking, so I’ve just mentioned it as an option now and no milk. There is just melted butter to brush on the rolled out dough. So sorry for the confusion 🙁 The melted butter would be about 2-3 tablespoons to brush the rolled out dough

  • MamamiaV

    This is now a family favorite. I changed the swirl a bit only because I’m lazy. I butter the rolled dough and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar across. Easier and my family is all about the cinnamon so I can have more control. I even add raisins to the mixture and dough
    Thanks, Great recipe

  • Lisa

    This is a lovely recipe, but I found the method a bit hard to follow. What are the dimensions of the rectangle you roll it out into? Also, there was so much dough that I got 2 loaves out of this rather than one that is implied in the recipe. Otherwise, the recipe is great!

  • Elinor L.

    I have the same question/concern. My dough is on its second rise. How do you get an 18″ roll into an 8″ loaf pan? I thought of cutting the dough as if to make cinnamon rolls but didn’t. We’ll see how it turns out. Did anyone else have any of the same issue? Thanks.

    • Janet

      You rolled it up from the wrong side. Use the 9 inch side and you will have a 9 inch roll for your 9×5 loaf pan.

  • Anonymous

    I just don't understand.. Now I have it all rolled up and it is about to sit for the extra two hours but I have a roll 18" long?? Do we cut this in half to make two breads or smash the whole thing in a regular loaf pan? or do you use a long loaf pan? I would love more info on this. Thank for the recipe.

  • Anonymous

    I'm wondering if I could use almond milk instead if it will change texture of recipe.

  • Marielle Altenor

    this is definitely pin worthy!! Hopefully I can re-create this just as nice as yours!

  • Tough Cookie Mommy

    The photos of this bread are making my mouth water. It looks delicious.

  • The Lucky Wife

    I'm not a huge raisin fan although my dad said I loved them when I was little. But that does look yummy for people who are!

  • Melissa Pezza

    Delicious! THis looks so good!

  • Chubskulit Rose

    It still looks god though even though you think you messed it up. I am bad in baking so I don't think I can even make one as good as this one.

  • Mel Cole

    Oh thank you for this recipe! I like cinnamon raisin bread and so is my kids too.

  • Theresa Mahoney

    I have never made my own cinnamon raisin bread, but really need to. It's so expensive in the stores, and it's the one thing my girls just absolutely love!

  • Nikki

    I have never had homemade cinnamon raisin bread. I'll definitely try this out! It looks delicious!

  • Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell

    I'm going to try it! I sometimes buy the store version but it doesn't have enough cinnamon or raisins. This is the answer.

  • Amanda McMahon

    This looks tasty and as long as I have good flour it should work

  • Kay Adeola

    this looks amazing and i would love to try it you made it look simple,maybe adding in a few choc chips would make me love it even more lol

  • Amanda Love

    I'm no good at baking bread but I always buy this at the supermarket when I could be making it myself. I might give this a try and hope it comes out tasting as good as it looks here.


    This looks absolutely amazing! The only thing I would change is putting chocolate chips instead of raisins cause I'm not a big fan of raisins. But seriously love cinnamon swirl bread. I have to try this recipe out.

  • Eliz Frank

    I love cinnamon raisin bread so you just made me hungry.
    Will try your recipe. Yummy!

  • Ashley Gill

    I want to start making bread… I just never get on it! This looks yummy.. Maybe I should start here!

  • Jennifer Williams

    I can not wait to try this, I was allergic to cinnamon for a long time and only within the last year have I been able to eat it again. I forgot about cinnamon swirl bread – so excited to see this.

  • Aisha Kristine Chong

    My goodness – this is surely to be yummy and sweet!!!!

  • becca

    how delicious we lie cinnamon raisin bread but I have never made it from scratch always store bought. will have to try this recipe soon to see if I can do it

  • Fabulous Perks

    I'm not much of a baker. This looks easy! I love cinnamon bread.

  • Grandma Bonnie

    Fresh cinnamon bread sounds so good. I think I will leave out the raisins though. I had no clue that nutella is not good for baking. Thanks for the recipe.

  • Ave

    Oh, this looks delicious! Have to try out this recipe for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  • Amberlee

    That looks amazing! I will have to try this recipe out, I'm sure the whole family would love it!

  • Coolmoms Cooltips

    You are truly talented
    I would expect to find something like this at a nice bakery!
    Can't wait for Nutella one

  • Lawna Noe

    I bet your next recipe will turn out even better. I love using raisin cinnamon toast when making french toast, The kids love it!

  • MikiHope

    I love cinnamon raisin bread-toasted-slathered in sweet butter-I generally just buy it in a bakery or a store since I have discovered that I am so not a baker! I do like Nutella but never really thought of using it as a spread or as an add on to bread–you have to let us know how it turns out.

  • Pam

    I used to make this and it was so good. I am betting nutella would be good in bread even if it was crumbly.

  • Elise

    That looks sooo good! I'd leave the raisins out for myself, but cinnamon bread is a definite win!

  • Ashley Wintters

    I think I will make it without the raisins…maybe can sub in nuts or something? I love the look of it!


    This looks so yummy! And I've never even tasted Nutella, if you can believe that LOL Good luck with your experiments!

  • V@

    Oh gosh I am gluten sensitive so this is a recipe I couldn't make however love it that you are using butter. I do appreciate home made bread (gluten free) for me right out of the oven.

  • Masshole Mommy

    Yes please!

    Seriously, you make it look so easy and it sounds absolutely out of this world. I wish I could jump through the computer and take a bite!

  • (Terry) My Journey With Candida

    I have never make my own cinnamon raisin bread, but my mom used to make it. OH MY Gosh… fresh out of the oven is the BEST.

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