Custom Crystal Healing Kits

 Healing crystals have been used since ancient times, and there is a wealth of knowledge as well as experience that has been handed down from generation to generation about them. Everything in life has a vibration, including our own thoughts. When we focus on these thoughts sometimes they come true , or in other words we’ve manifested the thoughts. If you’re having a horrible day and that’s all you focus on, chances are you’ll only be getting more of that negative energy back as you are sending it out into the universe. When you are feeling love, that love comes back to you as you have manifested it . 

Crystals have energy properties that can work within our own energy systems, so with use, those positive vibes from the crystals will amplify our own positive thoughts. These crystals remind us to quiet the chaos in our mind and reconnect to the universal healing energy, vibrations of the Earth itself. 

This is Black Obsidian, sometimes you get lucky ( which I was!) and you get a Rainbow Black Obsidian which when highly polished you can see vibrant colors of the rainbow. This stone is a highly protection stone shielding again negativity.  

Many people use healing crystals , and there are endless ways to use them, from crystal therapy, mediation, to protection grids in the home. Their energies are amazing and to add to that, there’s the pure beauty of the crystals themselves. I have collected crystals since I was a child without real knowledge of what each meant. Whether it was the color, the shape or the feel of it, I collected without really knowing what exactly was pulling me towards certain crystals.  I finally did some research and was surprised to find out about the healing properties as well as energy crystals could offer. It was a delight to find out that intuitively I had picked stones with meanings that were needed in those moments of my life. 

The last several years, during my spiritual journey I have collected even more crystals for certain situations or needs within my life. My kids as well have enjoyed learning about crystals , what they mean and have become very good at picking up their energies. From holding a stone daily for courage , or focus, to crystals under pillows to help ward off nightmares we’ve all enjoyed the benefits of healing crystals in our life. 

A couple months ago I came across an amazing Etsy store, called Mystical Serenity, you can check it out here. This lovely shop is full of high quality crystals for any and all occasions, but the one thing I found and am completely hooked on- are her healing kits! There are kits created with specific needs in mind. There are some for better sleep, some for mediation, serenity, housewarming , even crystal gridding. I  had already gotten kits from Jenny, the shop owner awhile back , but recently asked her for two custom kits which she did an amazing job on. 

These kits were gorgeous! The pictures do no justice let me tell you! She finds unique containers to hold the crystals and nest them in their own moss and dried flowers, so everything is safe and ready for you upon arrival. 

 They are so beautiful!! 

An amazing Cleanse & Clearing kit, and an Emotional Healing kit. The emotional kit I asked to be made for the entire family, so there were some really great crystals that the kids can grab-n-go with to keep in their pockets. Each crystal has a unique vibration that works to clear blockages and ward off negative energy while lifting the positive vibes up within us and around us. Depending on your mood and what your guided too, you may pick up the same or a different crystal each time you reach for one. I find them calming and grounding in times I need to refocus from the day. 

Sage was added to the Cleanse & Clearing kit which is always a must for the house! The container is a heart shaped planter ( it’s so cute!) As soon as I find a cute house plant to put in it, it’ll hold my sage ! 

There was a cheat sheet if you will, for the crystals and their meanings which was great because more than half the crystals I’ve not had before, nor knew their meanings. It was a great learning experience and a joy to unbox! I often find myself grabbing the same crystals day to day while I’m working or doing some art for inspiration, or grabbing crystals for mediating that feel more grounding and calming then others. 

This is a FUN box! Besides the crystals in it, it’s just an all around cheerful colorful box. My daughters took it to put their own crystals in for safe keeping. 

 Jenny did an amazing job with these, and you can tell she puts a lot of care and dedication into making all of her kits. Not only should you check out her shop, you should check out Mystical_serenity’s Instagram right here, She holds live sales in which are very addicting! Jenny is able to answer all your questions about crystals, can easily suggest the best match for you if you ask, and is more than willing to create any kit you ask for. 

For some unique and beautiful one of a kind gifts check out her shop! There is something for everyone, you won’t be disappointed! 






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