Did you Know Tuesday- No Need , to Knead,

Can’t Knead bread dough? No worries, this week it’s all about skipping the Kneading Step in bread making. It’s hard to explain how to knead, even harder to tell you what the bread feels like when it’s done. It’s something after awhile of making bread you just start picking up, but again no worries if this is where the trouble begins for you. This week you can Be sloppy, be messy, and get a great loaf of bread out of it as well.

I love sloppy breads!  I call them sloppy breads as that’s what they look like when you either form them or put them into a pan, very sloppy. You won’t get the nice smooth look you get when you are kneading, but that’s ok, that’s not what it’s supposed to look like,  we’re aiming for sloppy here.

This bread is Super Kid Friendly , they can mix this up themselves and even put it into the loaf pan.

Whole Wheat Honey Bread
1 package active dry yeast ( 1 package measures  2-1/4 teaspoons  yeast or 1/4 ounce. If you have a container of yeast in the fridge and you measure make sure you bring yeast to room temp first before usage ) 
1 1/2 cups warm water (105 – 115F Test your water always using a simple meat thermometer)
3 Tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons salt

1 Tablespoon shortening softened

2  cups bread flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
 In a large bowl dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Add the honey salt, shortening and 1 cup of the bread flour. Mix Vigorously with a wooden spoon to form a wet batter. Gradually stir in remaining 1 cup of bread flour and the whole wheat flour until it’s evenly combined. See it looks all sloppy ! 
Cover the bowl and let the batter rise in a warm draft free place for about 30 minutes. Stir batter several times after rising and then spread it evenly in a greased 5 by 9 inch loaf pan. Let it rise again for about 40 minutes or until it reached 1/2 inch from the top of the pan. 
Preheat the oven at 375. Bake for 30 minutes or until the top of the bread is golden and it sounds hollow when you tap it. Remove from oven and the pan onto a wire wrack to cool.
 I make two batches as I honestly can never keep my hands off of warm bread so it just disappears before it ever cools 🙂
Here is another No Knead Bread that works out amazingly as if you put a fulls days work into making it! It may need to rise a long time but from just stirring into a plastic container, you get a pretty fantastic loaf of bread to show off!
 Just because you can’t Knead, doesn’t mean you can’t make some bread to enjoy!



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