DIY Body Butter #NOWWellness

Almond oil is a great product to keep in your beauty line up. Rich in vitamin A, B and E, which are great for skin health. If you read the back of most any skin care product you will see they are loaded with these vitamins as well, so why not cut the middle man out and just use straight up Almond Oil? Helping to maintain moisture levels in the ski, the oil is quickly absorbed so it doesn’t block or aggravate pores. It’s light and has a very milk scent, sweet nutty I would say but serious- extremely mild scent. You aren’t walking around smelling like peanuts or anything, it’s sweet and it’s not noticeable unless your jamming it up your nose. <- Don’t do that.
Now Solutions by Now Foods carries a few oils one of them being Sweet Almond oil. It’s benefits are never ending. Some benefits are-
Improve the complexion and retaining glow of your skin
Moisturize better and deeper
Soothe skin irritation and skin inflammation
Relieve dry and irritated skin
Nourishes skin, making it softer and smoother
Relieves chapped lips and helps soothe body rashes
With regular application and massaging into the skin it helps improve circulation and can even tighten up your skin
Helps treat dandruff
Helps repair damaged hair
Can boost your immune system
Helps regulate your BP
Helps your cholesterol
Aids in digestion
Boosts memory and boost your nervous system
Creates strong healthy nails
Convinced yet Almond oil is something to keep around? Not only does it help from the outside, but from the inside. It’s a must have in the beauty cabinet as well as your kitchen.
I use it a lot, I mean a lot and I even use it to make a few things, today I’m sharing the Body Butter I made with it. What is body butter?
Body butters are a rich , thick topical treatment. Like lotions and cream it’s a spreadable consistency but much more thick than the any cream and lotion. They are specifically formulated to heal and help moisturize extremely dry skin . There’s times when your skin is past it’s normal dryness and needs an extreme boost to lock in what it needs, don’t reach for a lotion or cream, grab a body butter- or make it yourself! It’s something you should have on hand.
I love making things by hand, I know what goes in it, and it can be formulated to my needs specifically and don’t need to worry about any extra chemicals that will damage my skin more. Organic and homemade is the way to go!
What you need to make some Body Butter
1/2 cup shea butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup almond oil
10 drops your favorite essential oil * I used Now Lavender essential oil , which is wonderful for the skin
double boiler or small saucepan
hand beater or standing mixer
Combine all the ingredients in a double boiler over medium heat, do not boil this, you want it to melt slowly and not scorch. Heat and stir until everything is melted and combined. Pour into another bowl and let it cool down or until the oils are started to begin and harden. You have to wait for it to get to this point or the next step won’t happen. Once it begins to re-solidify around the edges it’s time to beat it. Start whipping/beating until the mixture begins to look like whipped cream- it will get thicker the more you whip it. Once it’s all whipped up and looks like it’s forming stuff peaks you are done. Transfer to a jar and it’s ready for storage.
I love keeping this in the fridge, when I need it on rough skin or really badly cracked dry skin application has an added cooling effect to help the pain. It doesn’t need to be in the fridge.
Ann Bacciaglia
I will have to try this for sure. I love doing DIY projects. My daughter will love this.
Chrissy Mazzocchi
This seems like it would be so relaxing to just enjoy the fragrance and feel of it. I need to mae some.
I love body butters, but have never tried making my own. Sounds like a simple, summer craft to do with my girls soon!
Mama to 5 BLessings
I love this brand. I have a few of their essential oils and their aloe gel. They are so affordable.
I love making my own lotions and bath products. This sounds like an amazing body butter.
Sounds like a great natural alternative body butter to the store bought brands loaded with chemicals.
Oh I will have to try this. I love diy body butters and scrubs! I love using coconut oil for everything too so I’ll try this!!
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
I love body butters. I have never made my own before, so I would like to try it.
Amanda Love
I love making my own body butter. I know exactly what’s in there and I get to save money too. May give yours a try.