DIY Bug Spray To Keep those Bugs Away!

Bugs, they are everywhere, and unfortunately they all seemed to find my family last night. 

 Yup, those bugs are out and having parties on people left and right. Last night the family decided to do a bit of pre-4th of July celebrating with a few fireworks, yet half the kids begged to go inside as they were getting bitten like crazy! Why, why why I did not have bug spray mixed up I DO NOT KNOW! SORRY kiddos! Yikes, there was about 30ish bites on my youngest daughter. I felt so bad, but I did have mixed up a bug bite roller ball for the kids at hand. Not that this magically erased the bites- it just helps take the itch away and by morning all but 4 bites were nearly gone. 

Essential oils have been a part of my family for several years, way before they seemed to be sold everywhere. Used simple recipes to clean, or help with cuts and scraps, then I really started getting into using oils. Made lotions, sunscreen, lip balm, shampoo and even laundry soap with essential oils, this was even before I started to sell Doterra. There’s oils for anything and everything so I’m still kind of kicking myself for not having bug spray at the ready for the family! We haven’t really had a problem here in TN with bugs until the last week, and while living in CA there were only a handful of times we needed the spray. 

On to the DIY Bug Spray Recipe


10 drops Purify Essential Oil

20 drops Terrasheild Essential Oil

5 Drops CedarWood Essential Oil

5 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

5-10 Drops Lavender Essential Oil Optional

In a 4oz spray bottle add all the drops and then fill with Witch Hazel. You can use water if you don’t have witch hazel but I find it works best with it. There are times I skip the Lavender, but mostly it’s a must for me, plus it smells amazing! You can easily make the recipe with, or without it. 

Lavender and Peppermint , along with the Cedarwood are all natural insect repellents, so adding them together makes a super bug repellent. The Terrasheild is a blend that can be used by itself as a bug repellent. You can buy it in a spray bottle already mixed, or a 15ml bottle and mix up your own, this works great as a stand alone. The Purify blend I actaully use for bug bites along with my premixed roller ball of Lavender and Fractional Coconut Oil, but it also repels bugs! It’s blend of oils helps sooth itchy bites and helps calm the inflammation .

For treating Bug Bits the best and simplest thing ever is a simple mix of Lavender and Coconut Oil. I add about 20-25 drops into a 10ml roller ball container and then fill with the Coconut Oil . There are other recipes that use peppermint and even added Purify but I find for my family this works best. 

Hope this helps some of you out this summer from keeping those bugs away and treating the bites! If you have any suggestions or tips,  please comment and let us all know! You can check out My Doterra shop , and even email me if you have questions!





  • Carlee Colonneso

    I could have used this when we were looking at Fireworks on the 4th. The bugs were aggressive for sure.

  • Tami

    I just made a DIY bug spray with my oils. I prefer it over the crud they share at the store.

  • Jamie (TigerStrypes) (@satrntgr)

    Wow, you’re like Alexa…did you just hear me talking about this to my MIL the other day?? I was wishing there was something that wasn’t OTC and dangerous to use for fending off the summer bugs….now you deliver!! THANK YOU!!!! Pinning this to make my own.

  • Grace Hodgin

    I love your recipe and appreciate you sharing it.I will have to give it a try.

  • Daisy

    This is awesome! My husband and I have been going on walks every evening since March, but now the mosquitos are out. I look forward to trying this to hopefully get some relief while maintaining our walks.

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