Dogtology- Live. Bark. Believe –

Dogtology – noun
1 The belief in Dog.
2 The system of rituals, practices, and behaviors engaged in by Dogtologists.
I had two dogs for the last 10 years, one passed just this past March. My dogs are like my kids and, well honestly my dogs have acted like children as well , which can be entertaining and annoying all at once, but I love my dogs and as people well know, pet owners feel as if their pets are one of the family. More so , they are our fur babies.
Lets face it, dogs ( like children) get into a lot of trouble sometimes, and even so, can drive us a little bonkers. It’s hilarious really, their rituals, their quirks , their entire personalities tend to suck us right in, more so their friendship and never ending bond. A bond that fellow pet parents only seem to get which brings me to a humor filled book all about just that- that special bond and devotion of man and their dog.

What makes me a faithful Dogtologist? Taking a picture at midnight of my dog in the car because she looks so excited to see our new home.
The book Dogtology, written by Jeff Lazarus was a real hilarious read, I loved it so much! Laughed so hard through it I couldn’t put it down. Really nailed it, and as a mother, and a pet parent I couldn’t help but crack up at how many similarities there were between the two, and also how I related a few too many times to a couple things listed within the book. Guess I’m a devoted Dogtologist! Are you? Perhaps if you have just as many and or more pictures of your dog on your smart phone, and coo and aww the second your pooch comes back from the groomers with a new hair do. This got me, I know someone who even though her dog takes off running in her pretty little bows, dog says knock it off, owners says, so darn cute! It’s not just dogs that have quirks you know, we are the parent have our own too and this entire book covers the quirky hilarious bond .
For example. Going to the bathroom. How many times have you been sitting there, no one bugs you, you get up and the second that door closes there’s little cute monsters on the other side wanting your attention? Same with dogs! I’m telling you, I could be doing nothing, get up and head to the bathroom and my dog will be all over me. They pick that moment to want, no NEED to have their ball thrown to chase down. What’s their logic? There’s actually a small section on this alone, I was cracking up , I tell you! Or how they circle and circle an area for ten minutes before going themselves. They think we’re nuts for using a toilet, we think they’re nuts for selective prime real- estate –say your brand new rug!- for their potty. Or perhaps they just don’t see a logical reason for you to read.
Ah, but we love them.
Lazarus really knows his dogs, describes perfectly what it is like as a dog owner, the quirks the rituals, each and every weird strange little act our fur babies are up too throughout the day. He nailed it. I can’t even name a favorite part because with each chapter, each addition it just kept getting better. There’s a section in here in the chapter of The Book of Collars, within there’s an area called The humanization of Dogs and I know some people who fit into this chapter! They List those famous dog products- and in turn, Dog-made Products for humans. You know a few of those insane products some owners get dogs? (Dog strollers, insanely pricey dog beds, dog antlers, dog collar digital camera) Well Lazarus puts a spin on it and comes up with a few items a dog would get it’s humans. Let’s just say every time I see a dog now with clothes, and sunglasses and such- I’m going to imagine a dog turning around and doing something just as humiliating to it’s human, for instance ever see dogs with corrective ear flaps? How about Human Ear correctors in the shape of dog ears, Or possibly a Grizzle pop- Chunks of uncooked meat gristle formed into a shape of a lollipop because it makes it more appealing for us humans. ( i.e. shaped dogs treats, cause a dog can really name shapes!) ha ha The list goes on I can’t list them all, but they are so funny!
If you are a dog owner and or lover you would love this book. It’ll make you laugh, probably nod in agreement and most definitely make you wince when you are reading a perfectly described sentence- of yourself. HA! Hold up though, don’t fret because there’s a huge group of us all alike, we fellow Dogtologists are the same, we are one! You are not alone!
You can pick up a copy of Dogtology and enjoy yourself on or any other book store
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press (June 2, 2015)
Author : Jeff Lazarus
ISBN-10: 1626341389
ISBN-13: 978-1626341388
Live. Bark. Believe!
*I received the following product(s) to review . I was not required to write a positive review no other monetary compensation was given . Any and all opinions are my own.
Janell @ Saving You Dinero
We haven’t owned a dog in a really long time. I think we will be getting one soon
This looks like a fun book to read.
Lisa Rios
Sounds like a funny book to read. I don’t have pets but I like to read this kind of dog stories. I really need to get a copy of this book. Thanks for sharing
I can see why the posts are popular. All good ones there!! Wishing you a great rest of the weekend.
Annemarie LeBlanc
I’d love to have a copy of the book. I am a true blue dog lover and this would be a good resource to understanding my dog even more. Proud to be a Dogtologist!
Jennifer Williams
I want to read this. Getting to laugh at someone else’s dog stories – love it. We have four and they keep us busy – can not imagine life without my fur babies.
This sounds like a great book. I;ve got to pick it up and go through the whole thing.
Rebecca Swenor
I have three dogs and you described them in your post with the bathroom trios. So I really have to get this book. lol My sisters and mother would love this one too. Thanks for sharing. I know I am a dogtologist. lol
Life as a Convert
Sounds like a great read! I have only one dog right now, and I am blessed that she is very well behaved, but I have certainly had my share of dogs that had their bad streaks lol
Gladys Parker
Dogtology sounds like a great read. I feel as if others are closer to their dogs than I am. Maybe because he was my sons dog first but that really doesn’t makes sense. Maybe I will find some bonding help in the book. Buddy has been our big house dog for 7-8 years, I love him maybe just not enough. If nothing else I could use the comedy as I need to laugh more.
Linda Kinsman
We aren’t a dog family, even though we love other’s dogs! This would be a perfect gift idea for my friends and family who talk about some of their dogs quirks. Your doggy pics are priceless!
Liz Mays
This sounds like such a cute book for dog owners! It’s always nice to know you’re not alone with the crazy things dogs put you through.
I need this in my life. My dogs are like my babies too. We have 3 and I dont know what I’d do if I lost any of them. I’m such a softie for my furbabies!
Carlee C
This sounds so cute and I can relate since I have 2 boxers that are like my children. They appreciate when I give them the left over Salmon Skin, yes they are spoiled.
Catherine S
This sounds like a great book. I need to send a copy to my sister she will love it.
Pam W
This sounds like a funny book. I need to pick up a copy.
Looks like a great book!! We had our dog KC from the time of a puppy to when she was 18.5 years old. Pretty long life for a Rott/Shep/Lab mix. Now we have Buddy who is a Rott/Shep and he is almost 7. We love our little fur family!!
This looks like a fun book!
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
Ok, I definitely want to get a copy of this! It sounds like an awesome book.
I love Dogtology! It’s such a cute idea and I know some dog lovers that would enjoy this.
Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty
Haha, this sounds like a hilarious read. Our dog has mastered the “pout” when he wants to go out or get up on the couch, and we frequently find ourselves speaking his thoughts aloud for him, lol.