Enjoy the Small Things

Life itself is a blessing. Each and everyday, every breath, every smile, laugh touch, is a blessing. It’s almost disheartening to know that most people don’t realize what they have until they lose it. Through rough times you are made to look at things differently, question, even give second chances, but why does it take something happening to actaully look at what is right before you? Why does it take nearly losing something to actaully be grateful in our lives?
It doesn’t have to be that way, in fact it shouldn’t ever be that way. Each morning you wake up is a gift and that is how we need to start treating things. Everything. Always.
The next time someone smiles at you, enjoy it and even smile back! The next time someone laughs or jokes with you enjoy that! Even when things seem to be going wrong, you must remember that ” This too Shall Pass” Nothing is consent. The only thing that is consent is- that things change. So enjoy each moment, and when things are rough, remember those happy little moments! It will help you ride out until things pass.
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