French Bread

You can double this, which I may have , should have, must do each time. But ….I was in a rush.the bread was gone so fast I barely got another piece. It’s ok I made another one before bed Super easy!!
French Bread-
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 package yeast
(rapid-rise recommended)
1 cup warm water
salt to taste (I use 3/4 teaspoon)
In a large bowl, combine water with yeast and salt. Let sit for five minutes. Stir in flour until the dough is stiff enough to knead. (Add flour a little at a time. Three cups flour is approximate; exact amount may vary.) Knead dough until smooth and elastic–a few minutes. Place dough in a greased bowl; cover. Let rise until doubled. Form dough into a french-style loaf and place on greased baking sheet. (Dust baking sheet with cornmeal first if desired.) Place immediately in oven (un-preheated!)–bread will rise as oven heats up. Set oven at 375-degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
Mellissa Hanks
About to put this in the oven now :O)