It’s been a sizzling summer so far here in Middle Tennessee and it’s about to get even hotter with some amazing deals with Superiors Source Vitamins at
Walmart and

With over 70 vitamins and supplements for you to choose from for you and your family. Not a fan of swallowing pills? Not to worry Superior Source vitamins and supplements don’t need any water, and they use only clean, pure and simple ingredients– just the way nature intended!
NO chemicals, GMOs, preservatives, excessive binders, dyes, fillers, or artificial colors!

These are important factors for me when I am choosing vitamins for myself and my family, but the biggest thing I love is how they melt in your mouth.
Not sure about where you all are but here in Middle TN it’s been a HOT summer! We have had a few days over 100F and that’s not even counting the humidity! It’s been icky lets just end it there and cross our fingers for a gorgeous cool fall!
Besides a hot summer school has already started here, and as always those first few school day germs always seem to cause some sniffling around here. Thankfully it barely lasts, the kids aren’t really phased by it much but still, no one likes a stuffy nose. Cue the amazing vitamin melts that have been our go to! With afterschool meetings, and back and forth drives to and from schools and even college these Superior Source Vitamins have come in handy for a family on the run! What’s even better about these are how they came to be created.

Superior Source Vitamins were created by Ron Beckenfeld, who was very much into fitness and wanted to stay healthy. Finding the right vitamins seemed like the perfect fit for him when he decided to go into business. He started selling vitamins out of the trunk of his car in 1964 and in 1969 he started Continental Vitamin Company. His life long passion was to establish a supplement company that actually cares about health.
In 1998 he started Superior Source MicroLingual , due to his concern about his fathers Parkinson’s condition. After realizing his father was having trouble swallowing the traditionally large tablets he was inspired to find a way to help him out and other’s who had similar problems swallowing the vitamins they needed.
This is truly inspiring, he found a solution for a problem many people, while still keeping his main goal in mind- pure and simply ingredients that we can all trust. His company was built from a love for health, wellness, fitness nutrition and it certainly shows.
When you choose Superior Source Vitamins, you aren’t just getting high quality supplements, but you are supporting a family owned facility that dedicates their lives to ensure that ever product is created with your families health in mind.
Check out the hot August Deals for Superior Source Vitamins at
Amazon and, and take a step towards a healthier, more vibrant you!
In the mean time you can enter to win your own Superior Source Vitamin gift pack!
August Giveaway: Winner will receive: ONE SSV5-Pack of Best-Selling Vitamins Valuing at $75Value •B12/B6 •Vitamin A •Vitamin
D3•Vitamin C •Zinc Plus
Enter Below & Good Luck!
Great products and review!! Thank you for reminding me to buy some more!