Halloween Time!!!

I love Halloween!
 So much that I make a month long thing of making Halloween crafts or having fun with my food 🙂 Which I’ll be blogging about in the coming days! I’ll have Spooky foods, treats, and crafts!
Each year we carve some pumpkins of course,

 This year I’ve started to carve out pineapples!!
We make , OK I make cupcakes & cookies, while the kids get to decorate them before we head out to trick or treat!
Each year it always gets bigger and better, of course. As the kids get bigger they are able to do more, and they enjoy more crafty things if they are able to help . This year I promised they could help pick out the candy, and what ever is left over from trick or treating will be made into some post- Halloween Treats 🙂 Talk about sweet deal!
Hershey’s always has the best deals! They have multiple candies in bags, or just your favorites.Either way Hershey’s is always a winner pick in this house! 🙂 We tend to love the Halloween shaped items, like the batty york peppermint patties or the Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins. Nothing says yummy like a spooky fun treat!
Disclosure: This post was written in hopes of winning a Hershey’s gift pack from the MBC!

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