Homemade Almond Butter

You can make your own delicious Almond butter instead of paying a high price at the store for it. Do yourself a favor and just make it yourself. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Or just pressing the button on your food processor, either way you look at it there’s no downfall to trying this out. You’ve got fresh Almond butter without anything else added to it ( no funky ingredients, it’s all almonds!) and it can be made in under 10 minutes while saving money . It’s a sweet deal so what are you waiting for? Make some Almond Butter!
1 lb of roasted almonds
Place roasted almonds into a food processor and hit the button for high for until it’s smooth as butter. You can pulse it because this will take a couple minutes about 5 or so. It will look nice and thick and creamy. Store it in an airtight container.
That’s it, barely even a two step recipe Enjoy!
Mrs. Sergeant
This recipe is awesome, especially because almond butter can be so freaking expensive! I can't wait to make this for my family. Thank you!
Ronnie E.
I never thought of making this myself but it makes total sense. It's so pricey in the supermarket and so easy and basic to DIY it!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell
I should do that! I have the almonds and the food processor. It's silly to buy it; you're right!
Mommy 2 J.A.M.
This looks absolutely delicious! I can't wait to make this and I love that you can make it fresh. I have to try it.
I had no clue it was this easy. I love almonds and would love to spread it on some crackers or bread.
Casa Vilora Interiors
Wow that is super easy to make. I should definitely try that. thanks for the tip
I am a HUGE peanut butter fan and never considered using Almond Butter. This sounds like a nice change of paste from my regular favorite dish.
Chubskulit Rose
I have to get me a food processor so I can try making my own almond butter. I have never tried that before.
This looks so easy to make. I think I will try, since my daughter is having problems with peanut butter now. Thanks for sharing this!
Lawna Noe
I am so surprised by how easy this is to make. Now, I am definitely going to have to try to make it!
Jennifer Williams
It is crazy that it is that easy! I have also done some and added cocoa so my kids think it is chocolate and will eat it for a snack.
Masshole Mommy
Now that is my kind of recipe LOL. Easy peasy! I have actually never tried almond butter, but this is so easy even I couldn't mess it up.
I like DIY projects, I make my own hair products, so this will be another DIY that I can add to the list. Thanks for sharing
Ashley Gill
all you do is blend up the almond? This is brilliant! I figured there was something else in it.. I am so going to try this!
Dallas Socials
This looks delicious. I almost bought some almond butter at the store today, glad I didn't! I'm going to try this instead.
amanda ripsam
I wonder if my blender would work to do this or would it burn the motor out? I need to get a good food processor so many wonderful recipes, I love almond butter I'm bookmarking this for later.
You are so right! I don't know why more of us don't make our own homemade goods, much less money and much better for us! Thanks for sharing!