Homemade Almond Butter

You can make your own delicious Almond butter instead of paying a high price at the store for it. Do yourself a favor and just make it yourself. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Or just pressing the button on your food processor, either way you look at it there’s no downfall to trying this out.  You’ve got fresh Almond butter without anything else added to it ( no funky ingredients, it’s all almonds!)  and it can be made in under 10 minutes while saving money . It’s a sweet deal so what are you waiting for? Make some Almond Butter!

1 lb of roasted almonds


Place roasted almonds into a food processor and hit the button for high for until it’s smooth as butter. You can pulse it because this will take a couple minutes about 5 or so. It will look nice and thick and creamy.  Store it in an airtight container.

That’s it, barely even a two step recipe 🙂 Enjoy!



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