“Hunger Hits Home” #NoKidHungry

Five facts about Child Hunger in the US

1More than 16 million kids in America live in households that struggle to put food on the table. That’s 1 out of 5 kids.

2– There were also over 16.4 million children in America living in poverty in 2010. That’s almost 1 million more than in 2009.

39.8 million kids get free or reduced-price school breakfast on an average school day, more than ever before…but 10.5 million eligible kids go without.

4Only 1 in 7 kids who get free and reduced-priced school lunches receive summer meals.

5– Almost 45 million Americans used SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly food stamps) during 2011. Nearly 75 percent of these are in families with children and more than a quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

 These are our kids. This is our problem. We are all a part of the solution.

What can you do to help?
 $1 can connect a child in need with up to 10 meals. You can also add your name to the petition and help encourage our elected officials to support the essential child nutrition programs.

 Support and share the information! Go to http://foodnetwork.com/hungry to learn more.

Check out the trailer for Hunger Hits Home  — a new documentary about childhood hunger in America premiering April 14 at 8pm/7c on Food Network. 

In this 1-hour special we take a first-hand look at the crisis of childhood hunger in America through the eyes of the parents, children, activists, educators and politicians on the frontlines of the battle. The program is presented by Food Network and Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry Campaign.

If you have a spare moment Tweet this out –
Watch #HungerHitsHome, a new documentary from @FoodNetwork and @NoKidHungry, 4/14 8pm/7c, http://foodnetwork.com/hungry

Change begins with you. 

See it. Share it. Support it.



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