It’s a Giveaway!

Are you ready for a Giveaway!? I certainly am! If you’re here, you have a chance to win a $40 gift certificate towards anything from dining room sets ,cookware, kitchen tools, bake ware, or even toys! With over 200 stores at CSN you certainly have a choice on how to use a $40 gift certificate!
While preparing this post I couldn’t help but eye the dining room sets they have. It occurred to me that my fondest memories have been around some sort of table.
It really didn’t matter what the occasion on either side of the family was to plan a get together. There was always interesting things to go around, plenty of company and plenty of food. Each side had different kinds and there was almost no chance of going away hungry.First, on my Mom’s side, her parents had two tables, one in the kitchen, one in the dining room. The dining room was the “Adult” room, while the kids were stuck in the kitchen. Though it bugged me for a few years, after awhile I figured it out. We were in the room where ALL the food was. Ha..ha..HA. You know those desserts that are usually set aside till dinner was over? Oh yes, guess who was sneaking cookies while the adults had their meal in the next room.
Kid table or not, there was one in each of our Grandparents house, each oddly enough was set in the kitchen. There’s a lot of memories surrounded by those tables, whether my cousins were picking on me, and yes you know who you are, or someone else spilled yet another drink, memories were made.
The one thing I can count on when I miss my family, is making the food we had at those get togethers. One of my all time favorites is my Grandmother’s Snack Crackers. We could always count on there being a big jar full of those. She had the best little nibblers to eat as well. While my other Grandmother had her famous pickles, or even the numerous dips, my favorite was the onion. I learned how to play Blackjack, Spades, Poker , War, and other card games on those tables. I watched my Parents, Aunts, and Uncles with my Grandparents play Pinochle on that table too. One time I moved my Mother’s cards and got my hand slapped. That I remember very well and let me tell you, I never moved another persons’ cards again!
I learned a lot of things that started with a table. My mother taught me how to make her famous English muffins, cookies, and of course bread on our family table. My Dad put me to work cutting up potatoes and other things to go into his gumbo, which he’s pointed out I have yet to put up on the blog.(it’s coming this fall Dad, hold your horses as you always say!)
There’s a lot of memories, and they always happened with family one way or another, which brings me to the first way you can enter this Giveaway contest for a chance at a $40 gift certificate at CSN stores!
***How to Enter*** This Contest is for US and Canada entries only
For your First Entry for the Giveaway (if you do not do this your other entries will not count)-You must leave a comment with your favorite memory with your family. (please be sure to leave your email in the very first reply so I may contact you if you are the winner)
Winner for the $40 CSN gift certificate will be picked by random Saturday August 7th at 10PM PST. I will Post the winner Sunday the 8th! Be sure I can contact you, by leaving your email in the first reply! Winner must respond within 48 hours of being notified or a new winner will be picked.
Good Luck to you All!!!
This giveaway is now closed* Congrats to Becky Jane !!
Thank you to CSN for sponsoring this giveaway. I have not been compensated in any other way for this post. All opinions are, and will always be, my own.
thanks so much for the chance. I enjoyed reading about your memory as well as sharing mine
love the Emile Henry 'Bake for the Cause' 9" Pink Pie Dish – 696131
SKU #: EHY1446
so pretty!
fave memory – the time my parents and I drove all the way to Niagara falls. We all stood in our slickers on the boat and it was one of the most beautiful experiences we shared together. The car ride there was filled with songs and lots of yummy food along the way and my parents told us stories. But the fact that we were sharing such a beautiful moment so close to those infamous falls together – it meant a lot since my parents worked hard their whole lives and rarely got vacations. First family trip turned out to be so memorable.
The Canady Family
My favorite family memory is when we all go on vacation together! We all do everything together, it is a great bonding time for everyone!
StephanieC I'd like to get this set! scg00387 at yahoo dot com 2
StephanieC I'd like to get this set! scg00387 at yahoo dot com 1
my family memory fav is of the first christmas with my nieces as they ripped presents open! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I would use the gift certificate toward these lovely diapers!
entry #2
I would use the gift certificate toward these lovely diapers!
Wow, this is tough because there are SO many lovely memories of our family. The best Christmas with my family was in 2003. Everyone was together (all 20 of us plus several exchange students and cousins). My sister decided to buy matching yellow PJs for all the girls and matching blue PJs for all the boys. It was just lovely @ gmail dot com -
my favorite childhood memory with my family is going to California for Christmas and staying at my cousins, we got up to all sorts of trouble for the entire time we were there. I am in a two kid family and at the time I think they had five kids -they ended up being 8- I loved being in that enviroment so much. -
oops just saw we get to entries for this one.
I would love to get this gorgeous Le Creuset Stock pot
entry #2
Becky Jane
I grabbed your button!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH! -
Becky Jane
I grabbed your button!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH! -
Becky Jane
The WeatherPrint Wild Country Welcome sign is what I would buy!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH! -
Becky Jane
The WeatherPrint Wild Country Welcome sign is what I would buy!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH! -
Becky Jane
I'm aFollower, hope you can stop by for a visit!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH! -
Becky Jane
One of my favorite family memories is Christmas Eve with all the family gathered around our 11' dining table enjoying a kingly feast and happy conversation!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH! -
suburban prep
I would love to put it towards a chair that is comfortable to it would be easier for me to sit at the computer. A chair like the Office Star Executive Leather Chair
msgb245 at gmail dot ocm
suburban prep
One of my favorite memories is when we were growing up would be right after the midnight mass for Christmas. We would come home and make chocolate chip cookies and leave these warm goodies for 'Santa". We would talk and have a good time. Then we would go to sleep until the youngest couldn't take it anymore and woke each one of us up about 6 or 7 am. (I ma the oldest of 7 siblings). We did this until we were married too because we would go to my parents house after midnight mass. 4 of my siblings and their families do not live near my parents and my parents have downsized.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
My favorite family moment was the year 2002 when my husband, my self and our 3 kids (10,9 and 7) went on a vacation to Arizona. We drove there and back and had the best time ever!
I "liked" your blog but you knew that lol….
If I where to win the gift cert I'd put it towards…
Rachael Ray Porcelain Enamel 10-Piece Cookware Set in Orange – 13486SKU #: RRY1007 -
My favorite memories are all centered around going to my Grandparents for the holidays. At Thanksgiving the smells of turkey cooking early in the morning would waft upstairs. Other times we would awake to bacon and eggs getting ready for breakfast. I miss my grandparents all the time, but especially at holidays. I especially miss my grandmas homemade pecan rolls. I am hoping to find some like them here!
I can't really say I have alot of great childhood memories with my family, but as I have gotten older, we have had lots of great memories. My favorite one is simple. Our summertime cookouts. We haven't had much chance to do them this summer, and I miss them, but they always turn out to be SO much fun with everyone laughing, giggling and having fun way up into the night.
Rebecca Graham
My favorite family memory was going to New York City on vacation with the family and visiting the statue of liberty and Times Square.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Forgot my email in my first one :OP
mellissahanks@hotmail.comMy favorite memory with my family is actually more recent. My sister and I were never close as a child. We fought very badly. Last year my sister and her little boy came down for thanksgiving which we had with my mother. We set up the Christmas tree after dinner(because that is tradition here, yes we are weird) So my sister came down to my house for the night because after all black Friday shopping was the next day. We drank an entire bottle of tequila and serenaded my poor husband all night with rock May not seem like a big deal but it brought us closer then we have ever been.
I really want a green house :O)
this one is really nice
Show Me Mama
I would love this from them Kaiser Kaisercast 7" Heart Shaped Flan Pan
showmemama @ymail dot com -
Show Me Mama
Well, my favorite memory with my family was when we were all little and my mom woke us all up (all three girls) and went in the kitchen and started to make pancakes, it was really a fun time. We started to act insane throwing flower all over the kitchen floor and my mom kept looking at us and she ended up being part of the entire mess. We all were covered with flower and when my dad and brother walked in, they asked where the pan cakes were, we all started to laugh, because we did n't even't started on them and the place was already a mess. Those were fun times and I do miss it now that we are adults and not close by to visit. Thanks for asking this question. Really brought back fun memories with my family.
Showmemama at ymail dot com
My favorite memories are that of Christmas time. My parents where always happy, there was good food and we where all together.
Forgot the rest sorry Melanie. My favorite memory with my family is Camp. Fishing on the lake. Putting puzzles together.
I follow you on twitter @deegee13