It’s time to Save Big on Back to School shopping #Save$20VisaOffice16


Tis the season for back to school shopping and bargain hunting for parents a like. We all scramble to fulfill those supply lists and come out on top with what we need but without breaking the bank. It’s not always easy, and parents like myself stock up while we can before the deals disappear.

So if your a parents like myself and have a grand list of supplies, here’s some great news for you!  From now until August 27th, Office Max/Office Depot are offering an instant $15 savings when you buy $300 in Visa gift cards, making it possible for you to double dip on savings when you purchase Visa gift cards at Office Max and Office Depot. This means you save 5% on anything you buy! This is a great way to start a school year if you ask me.

Use it to stock up on teacher gifts, school supplies or even start early for the holidays ! It’s never too early to start getting on top of the holiday wish lists, or replace that old laptop you’ve been waiting to upgrade! We all need a boost in savings so here is how to save big this year and start the school year off right


Here’s the details- 

Save $15 Instantly when you buy $300 or more in gift cards from Office Max and Office Depot

Earn Credit Card Rewards: Using your favorite rewards credit card to purchase, you can earn points, miles or a percentage back on your purchase. Some credit cards even offer increased rewards for purchases made at office retailers. For example:

  • The Chase Ink Cash® and American Express SimplyCash® credit cards offer 5% cash back on purchases made at office supply stores
    The Chase Ink Plus® credit card offers 5 points for every $1 spent on office supply store purchases

    Add those savings up! 
    $15 off INSTANTLY + $15 back if you earn 5% cash back on office purchases made with your rewards credit card = $30 in savings on your $300 Visa gift card purchase!

  • Remember this Offer is from  8/21 to 8/27 at Retailers Office Max & Office Depot stores

Participating Gift Card Partners:

    • Visa gift cards.Additional Program Information/Disclaimers:
    • See store for more details

Pretty great deal, but don’t miss out this offer is only good from 8/21- 8/27!  


Your chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! 

To help even more with those upgrades and back to school supplies this year, I’m happy to share a great giveaway with you today! Enter for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Simply fill out the quick Rafflecopter below and you are on your way to win big! 

 * This giveaway is open to residents of the United States who are 18 years or older. Tatu Digital Media is responsible for prize fulfillment.

Disclaimer: This post was written in collaboration with Tatu Digital Media all opinions are my own.


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