Welcome to the new addition to the blog! 


Over the last few years I’ve had many questions sent my way, troubleshooting problems, tips and tricks for baking and cooking. It occurred to me the other day as a friend asked me for a basic pantry list that years ago, before I started a family I had this same question.

I learned my basic skills from my parents and grandparents, so I had my start but even as I left home I had to learn a lot myself.  I relied on them and their basic kitchen start up to kick me off in the right direction. 

Where does one start? What is it you need to have a good start to begin cooking or baking? Can you sub out different oils or sugars for one another? Why are there three different yeasts? What is the difference between flours? Can you use powdered garlic instead of real garlic? So many questions I had in the beginning, and I know I wasn’t and am not alone here. We don’t know it all, I’m not professional chef or anywhere near it but I do know having a basic beginning, a place to start out goes a long way. 

 Maybe you’ve been cooking awhile, or maybe you are trying to cook better, whatever the reason I thought it would be a great idea to start this section about Kitchen Basics. 

 Each new addiction to the Kitchen Basic will be posted right here. You can find the tab for this page at the top of the blog, or you can find each new post at the right side of the blog under categories for Kitchen Basics. 

List of Posts

  1. Pantry Basics 

Do you have any questions about kitchen basics? Cooking or Baking? Send them my way! Do you have any tips and tricks yourself you’d like to share with people? I’d love to hear from you!


Email me with the subject ” Kitchen Basics”  at mburbage@sbcglobal.net


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