Lessons and Blessings

Sometimes it’s not easy to remember that everything you’ve been through is preparing you for something else. It reminds me of elementary school, the teachers always saying pay attention, one day you’ll need to know how to do this. It could be years before you actaully use that piece of information, but when ever it does come up- you’re really glad you knew what you needed too in the moment.
The same goes for people in your life. Everyone you meet , you are meant to meet. For whatever reason you both were meant to cross each other’s paths. Whether it’s a good experience or not, you take something from everyone that comes along in your life, just as much as you would any other piece of information.
Everyone and Everything is a Lesson & and Blessing. It may not seem like that in the moment but it’s true.
My situation right now is difficult, and it has been a struggle for several months. Going through divorce and restraining order proceedings I’ve seen more court documents than I would like. It’s been stressful and emotionally draining. While nothing about it is easy, there’s a lot I’ve taken out of all this so far including, more patience, more understanding, my own strength, acceptance , and courage are just a few. It hasn’t been easy at all, but it’s taught me a great deal in which I’m grateful for. It’s not easy to see or even feel that in the moment it’s happening, a challenge for all of us to master, but if you can see the good , you’ve learned something.
Without the difficult times , we don’t grow much at all.
It’s through these challenges that we learn, it won’t always be pretty, the people may not be nice at all , but we have a chance to grow from it all. As long as we are accepting in what is happening and not turn away from challenges, we have the chance to grow and learn from the experiences we take on through our lives.
Is there any challenge you’ve faced yourself that taught you a lesson used later on in life?
Kristen from The Road to Domestication
Excellent quotes in this post! I’m sorry for your troubles
I hope things turn around very soon!
michelle mink
This hasn’t happened with me so much with what I’ve learned in school. Still waiting for chemistry and all of my high school and college math to apply to my life. However, there are lessons I’ve learned from relationships with friends and boyfriends that I’ve been grateful to know at later points in my life.
Elizabeth O
We all go through challenges at different times in our lives, and it helps to have a support system of people we trust and love to see us through. I send you much love and prayers during this time. Stay strong.
My Teen Guide
Aww, I really love this powerful post! One thing I learned from those people who left me was they’re passing by to learned something from them, the important is I don’t always re-read my past moving on is the key.
Nancy at Whispered Inspirations
Oh my goodness, so many lessons that I’ve learned by failing. It’s a surefire way to not repeat the same mistakes and succeed the next time.
Byron Thomas
In times of personal turmoil, I repeat this to myself – things happen for a reason. It does make things easier to accept and deal with .
Omg yes!!! Absolutely love this!!! You are correct. The things that we have lived through are definitely the things that help us become the person we were ment to be
Mellissa Hanks
<3 everything happens for a reason, and you are an amazing strong woman and mother.
Lisa Rios
I very much agree that everything that happens around you really happens of some good reasons that could happen sometime sooner or later. We all face so many challenges every day that teaches us different lesson and it is important to take the positives & move ahead!