Lunch Box Challenge Day 1: On the Fly BBQ Pulled Pork Wraps

I’m a mother of four, three of my kids are in school and no matter how well I think I can manage things school mornings can get really crazy. The past few years I have heard everything from , sudden lost shoes in the minutes up to the very moment we have to be out the door, lost socks which disappeared while eating breakfast ( tell me how that happens!) You have brushes stuck in hair, you’ve got coat jacket sleeves stuck inside of each other, shoe laces tied up by the older brother.
My all time favorite is when we’re out the door, that one kid suddenly has to pee, and then after getting them back inside to go then back in the car you think you are all set. The car is out of the drive way, down the street then-

 “Mom I forgot to tell you I need cold lunch today.” 
Every. Single. Time.
 This usually happens on field trip days, but most days half the kids want hot lunch the others want cold and they seem to always forget this when I ask first thing in the morning. Though they may have an uncanning talent for doing it they’ve also given me the insights on how to prepare quick lunches at the drop of a hat.

Here’s the scenario, your four kids woke up late, things are lost, kids are going right and left trying to gather their belongings,  and you’ve got five minutes to make lunches and no one wants that go to PB& J sandwich. What you have on hand is left overs from the week’s dinner , barely any fruit and a handful of vegetables , time is ticking you are going to be late- what do you do? Use those left overs like never before that’s what!

Here is my “On the Fly BBQ Pulled Pork Wraps with finger sides and dip

What you need:
 BBQ Pulled pork. 1/2 cup  per wrap so adjust for what you need to make ( if it isn’t pulled, and you just have pork on hand grab BBQ sauce, shred that pork up and pour some sauce over it while you assemble the rest of the lunch. Easy, frugal and on the fly)
Coleslaw if you’ve got it or lettuce
Julienne carrots for the  wrap
Vegetables for sides- celery, broccoli, carrots use what you’ve got
Choice of salad dressing
Fruit on hand

 Lay out the wraps and  line the middle with lettuce/coleslaw and some cut up carrots ( slice them jullienne easier to eat this way) Take your pulled pork and set about half a cup in each wrap. Fold ends of wrap in on each side then roll up so no fillings are seen. Cut into two, place in bag or container. Serve with small container of extra BBQ sauce and shove napkins in there because you just know the kids will have BBQ sauce all over their fingers and face. Maybe they will actaully use the napkin…. Hey I can dream can’t I?!

Bag up your vegetable sides with favorite dipping sauce, bag those fruits up and get a move on you are done!

Today’s Lunch Tips-
I highly recommend getting some plastic containers. The ones that are shown are by Rubbermaid,( I am not being paid to say that, but they are my favorite due to how well they hold up ) they have lunch “kits” in which you get different shapes, sizes of containers, but also I recommend picking up these babies.

  Even if you use plastic zip locks for your lunch, they come in handy.  You can pick them up at the dollar store and they have a million uses. They come in super handy for kid lunches, holding just enough for a single serving of –  Dips, salad toppings, granola for yogurt, bite sized sweet treats, or even nuts. Keep them on hand and don’t stress on the small things ever again.

Need more ideas for quick lunches? Need tips on making kids lunches more healthy? Come back tomorrow and keep up with me for the entire month of my Lunch Box Challenge Recipes!



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