Lunch Box Challenge Day 13: Summer time Salad

This challenge falls into the same time line as my garden bursting with more vegetables than I know what to do with. Why not mix it into the kids lunches? Today’s Lunch Box is really easy and fast as well as healthy.

Summer Time Salad

1 small Summer Squash cut into slices or cubes
1 small Zucchini cut into slices or cubes
1 small White onion sliced
Cherry tomatoes
Caesar dressing
Sunflower seeds lightly salted * this is in place of croutons
Parmesan cheese grated
Fresh dill chopped real fine you want about a teaspoon
Olive oil
Pepper to taste
Choice of lettuce greens Romaine works best for this

Directions. Take the squash, onion and zucchini and place in bowl. Drizzle with very little Olive oil then sprinkle with pepper and dill . Mix up and let sit. While it sits place the lettuce, tomatoes and sunflower seeds in a lunch container. Place both dressing and cheese in it’s own container.
Put a few of the squash, onions and zucchini into the lettuce mixture.

I served this grapes and a baked Ham sandwich with lettuce and tomato and mustard for dressing. Ham was leftover from dinner. Don’t forget to use those leftovers!

There’s no Lunch Box Tip today, I would like to hear from you!  What are YOUR tips for lunch? Do you have any? If not, is there anything you would like to see in the remainder of this challenge?
You can find all the Lunch Box Challenges here and All of my Recipes Challenges using the top Tap or click right here



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