Lunch Box Challenge Day 6: Apple Oaty Crisp

With Fall somewhere in the future- as it’s about 100 degrees today and there’s no end in sight- Apple season will be upon us before we know it! Kids love apples, but having sliced apples everyday can be a drag. Why not jazz it up and make something different that both you and the kids will like?
 This is a perfect lunch box treat or even a great afternoon snack. Best of all,  I’ve made it even more convenient and healthy than your normal crisp. I took nearly all the sugar out, there is no butter and it’s all done within 30 minutes. The Crumble top is simply tossed oats in cinnamon and very little brown sugar making this a quick treat to add to the kids lunch.

Apple Oaty Crisp


5 cups peeled and chopped apples
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon flour
Splash of lemon juice

Directions for the Apples- mix all the above ingredients into a bowl. Butter a baking dish and place prepared apples into it. Bake for about 30 minutes at 350 until the apples are fork tender. While you are cooking that prepare the oats.

Put together 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon,  6 tablespoons rolled oats, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts if desired . 1 tablespoon brown sugar mix this up in a bowl. Set aside. This will be the topping. This is far different from other crisps I’ve made, there is no butter, there’s no flour for the crumb top because it’s meant to be an on the go kind of thing.

When the apples are done take it out and let cool completely.Cover and set in fridge till later use. Divide both the apples and topping for lunches. Put the crumble top in a separate dish so the kids can add it in themselves.

I served this with BBQ Pork sandwich, carrots and dip.

Today’s Lunch Box Tip:  Keep with the seasons for fruits and vegetables. Buying out of season tends to cost more than when there’s an abundance during the season. There’s no need to spend a bunch on filling the lunch box with items when you have perfectly good fruits and vegetables that are on sale. Head the Farmers Market for the best quality and you would be amazed at just how much you can get for your money. The fresher the better, keep local and keep in season.



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