New Look!
If you’ve been a follower over the years, you have seen the blog go through a couple changes, but this is a little different than the last.
I changed domain’s completely, and skipping the dramatic details it hasn’t been easy to say the least. If you were the few selective amazing people I ranted too, you know just what I went through to make this change. Quick shout out to Grace over at Blessed Elements, she’s been a blogging friend since I started ( five years ago!) and she’s been incredibly helpful this past week in the transfer . Without her I may be bald right now, no joke. Seriously…no joke, it’s been that difficult!
Also major thanks to Bluehost themselves, their customer service rocks! Can’t even tell you how many times I’ve called, live chatted with them, very patient people and very helpful. If you ever plan on switching domains, Bluehost would be my recommendation. On to the new stuff-
Couple new things will be happening here on the blog-
- Weekly new Featured Popular Posts!
Check out the four most popular posts that will be updated weekly at the top of the blog. I would absolutely love if you you commented or shared these posts when you get the chance. Share through Facebook or Pin on Pinterest! - More friendly navigation for readers!
Hopefully the new streamline clean look will be easier for my readers to find what they are after. I’ve kept it simple, search to find something, or hit the category drop down list. There are also direct links up on top of the blog for categories, after a healthy recipe? Possibly want to stroll through the garden posts? My most popular categories will be listed at the top you can just click and be on your way or check out on the side where the drop menus are for what you are after. - New exciting stuff will be coming to the blog! I can’t really say what they are exactly because it’s in the makings but it will bring lots of new interesting stuff to the blog you don’t want to miss.
The recipes will still be streaming out , no worries, still a foodie at heart. I am still trying to tweak a few things so give me some. WordPress is new to me and there’s so much to do! In the meantime please if you aren’t following me through the social media world, go to the right side of the blog and click on any of the social buttons, also sign up for my RSS feed. I no longer have google follow so the only way to see new posts is through the feeds or social pages.
Just for stopping by here’s a Pirate Squirrel stealing a muffin to wish you a Happy Monday
You new look…. looks great. I like the idea of posting the popular posts on top. I definitely want to click on those.
Donna Ward
Great new look! It’s always exciting and a lot of work to do this
What a cutie squirrel and looking forward to your upcoming work – love the most popular posts at the top!
Ann Bacciaglia
I love the new look. I like when i can give my blog a fresh new look. I like how you have the weeks most popular posts at the top.
Lois Alter Mark
Congratulations on the new look! It looks fantastic, and is inspiring me to do a little bit of a makeover too!
You did a great job! Very bright and colorful.
I know how transitions on the blog can take some time to adjust to. I’m sure all of these growing pains will be worth it in the long-run.
Love all that you’re doing with your blog now. Also that pirate squirrel is seriously too cute.
Sarah Bailey
What a great new look – I love the favourite posts I need to go and look at those muffins.
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
I absolutely love it. Those pictures up at the top totally POP. I am so excited for you
Grace Hodgin
I love your new look! Best wishes for a bright future in continued blogging.
Anne |
It looks great and like it will serve you well! Love the big pics of the popular posts at the top.
I love it, nice job
Life as a Convert
Sometimes changes are good. I like the looks of this one.