No Kid Hungry- Summer #NoKidHungry

School is out summer is here! Those kids that have relied on the free or reduced price meals at school are faced When school lets out this summer, families who rely on free and reduced price meals at school for their children find themselves uncertain of where they’ll get their next meal.
Did you know more than 21 million get free or reduced priced lunches at school? Just over 3 million get free meals over the summer. Just because summer is here those children and families shouldn’t have to miss meals and go hungry.
We can all make a different for those that do end up going without meals this summer by donating what we can. Every dollar given can help one child get almost ten meals. Think about it! There’s several ways you can help not just by money either. Write your congressmen, sign the petition, hold a bake sale and raise money for the campaign!
Though more than 21 million kids get free and reduced price school lunch, just over 3 million get free meals in the summer. If we don’t act now, these kids will face missed meals and hungry stomachs instead of the fun childhood summers they deserve.
You can make a difference for hungry kids this summer by making a tax-deductible gift to Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign. Every dollar you give can connect a child with 10 meals and when you give today!
It doesn’t stop there , every dollar you donate will be matched by the Arby’s Foundation up to $100,000. Your donation of $50 becomes $100, $100 becomes $200 and $250 becomes $500!! This means with that support we can connect more kids in need with up to 2 million meals!! the Arby’s Foundation will match your gift, dollar for dollar up to $100,000, to double the impact of your donation.
Mellissa Hanks
It really is sad how many kids go hungry. Many kids in our area only get breakfast and lunch so when school is out eating is a struggle. Free lunch and breakfast are offered at the schools but not busses :O(