No time to chill in the garden!

Weather went from 100 degrees the last week down to 70 and windy requiring jackets not only for the kids but for my plants! Could not believe it, then again I did mention something along the lines of “When will the weather cool off already?” Well now it is, serves me right for opening my mouth right?

Quick tip to keep your warm weather vegetables going even as the temperature drops is garden covers. Before the sun sets, cover your plants that are not hardy to cold weather and keep them covered until the sun starts warming up the next morning. This can give you a longer season, sun and air does pass through the covers, so if you fail to remove them he next day, no worries. It keeps frost from damaging your plant and or vegetables still growing. You can also layer down some straw or wood chips to keep heat in the ground as well around the plant.

I’ve been super super busy in the garden which is still producing summer vegetables, but also rushing to collect seeds. The birds go nuts over many kinds, the like the beans – who knew! They love any leafy green seeds, like kale, mustard and collards. Problem is I can’t pick them till they are truly dried and the birds? They love them before this stage. If you have the same problem, no worries, just use those light garden covers or screen works well. Clip them over the plants your trying to keep safe.

The covers I use are below here you can get them at any hardware store pretty much.


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