#NOWWellness Now Foods Update

Welcome to my Now Ambassador Update! It’s been a wonderful adventure so far. I’ve been really enjoying the products so far, each and everyone have come in super handy lately during the move. It was a wonderful surprise to have them all on hand. Only problem is , so far the things have used the most, the All purpose Gluten Flour, the Slender sticks, sugar free drink mix, and the Hemp Seeds are not anywhere to be found in my local stores. Good thing though, found out Now Foods has a retail site . Check it out right here at www.now-2-u.com you can order and get your favorite products delivered to your door! No more searching high and dry for things in the stores, products you love are all in one place ! I’ve truly enjoyed the NOW Sports protein powder drinks, I scoop enough into empty bottles and take them with me . Convenient that you can put them into anything, water, milk, soy milk whichever you choose. Better cold though in my opinion. It’s really helped through tough workouts, post and pre, for great energy.
I treated our crew who not only have been helping to remodel but help us move as well to some protein shakes. It was a great treat for everyone! You wouldn’t think a protein powdered drink would be a treat- but these guys have torn up our floors, ripped out our heating, moved our heavy furniture and more! The shake was the treat, but the bonus was the health and energy boost
They really liked it and were surprised at what it was. Packed full of nutrients you need to keep going, this is a great post workout drink. Really enjoying this side of NOW Foods, they have an entire line devoted to anyone who’s active and looking for some products to help them along. I’ll talk more about the NOW Sports line in an upcoming post! Besides the drinks, I’ve been hooked on the food section- I honestly thought NOW Foods only did some oils and essential oils, but they do so much more! There’s something for everyone, it’s so much to fit into one post! Check back to read about the Tri Colored Qunioa I’ll be using later in the week. On to the showcasing products this week –
The past month I have been taking the Now Biotin and theProbiotic -10 + Inulin
Don’t know what Probiotics are? Listen up! Probiotics are the good bacteria in the intestines that help block out the harmful bacteria and promote better digestive and over all immune health. Think over all tummy aid which helps in several areas which include :
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Gas/Bloating/Indigestion
- Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea
- Traveler’s Diarrhea
- Weight Gain/Obesity
- Fatigue/Energy Levels
- Immune System
- Skin Problems
Trouble with any of these day to day? Probiotics may be for you!
NOW Foods Probiotic-10 + Inulin is a 24 Pack Box . Each Packet has at least 10 probiotic strains/ 10 billion organisms. Sounds like a lot but there’s trillions of microorganisms living within the intestinal track that helps block out that harmful stuff and keep you healthy for an over all . The Inulin is added to help assist the healthy growth of acidophilus and bifidus organisms. It’s good organisms, let’s just say that. The powder is unflavored which makes adding the probiotics to any drink extremely easy, and even better you can stuff them into a pocket or purse and carry them for busy days. Anything can disrupt your gut, not just foods, but even stressful days, perhaps you travel even or you eat at odd times. Each of these can mess up the balance in the gut believe it or not, so a probiotic is a wonderful addition to help balance out the gut which in turn will create better over all good health.
With fast release, gluten , dairy and wheat, free NOW foods makes it even easier for anyone to enjoy the great benefits . If you don’t already take a probiotic I highly recommend starting, one there’s nothing to lose really. Good gut health, means over all better health. Can’t go wrong!
Another addition to your medicine cabinet to help boost up your immune and health is Biotin.
Biotin or vitamin H plays a huge role in the body. It supports the health of your skin, nerves, digestive track, metabolism and other cells throughout the body. We should as a whole get our biotin from foods naturally but today in the fast passed world a lot of people don’t even eat their recommended intake of fruits, vegetables and protein, so where does that leave you? You can easily take a supplement and up your intake, boosting your immune and over all health . There’s also some studies where biotin might help decrease insulin resistance and nerve symptoms people suffering from diabetes . Over all biotin is one vitamin you need to make sure you get .
I’ve been using both the Biotin and Probotic all month long, a great addition to my daily supplements. My nails seem to be stronger , and I’ve had a lot more energy lately even through this hectic remodel and move. I really do enjoy the probotic and it’s lack of any flavor, I’ve tried other powders and they’ve been flavored. It’s not always fun to take with water to tell you the truth, so the fact that this is tasteless can be added to anything at all without producing a lingering taste of any kind. The Biotin is in a Vcap ( veggie gel cap) easy to take as well. I love how NOW Foods is making it easier to add in important vital nutrients and vitamins. Each seems to be made with that in mind, not just delivery superior products but keeping it friendly and easy to easy and take. Make our lives easier ad with the help of NOW Foods, a little bit healthier!
*I received the following product(s) to review. I was not required to write a positive review no other monetary compensation was given . Any and all opinions are my own.
Lisa Rios
This is the first time I have heard about this brand, but it sounds like a wonderful product. I never took any Probiotic supplements before, but would like to try this one after reading this review.
I have never had any kind of Probiotic supplements. However, in our house we do consume yogurt a lot, so I think that makes up for it.
Mama to 5 BLessings
I bet these powders are great to add into smoothies too! Sounds like a great product line.
April G
I now know more about the NOW brand, I think I’ll be doing my own research. Great that they have such an array of products.
This sounds like a probiotic I need. Some of those flavored ones I just can’t stomach even though I do see results.
I am taking probiotics, too, but it’s a different brancd. I will look for this when I finish my bottle.
The stomach aid sounds like something I as well as my husband could benefit from, I will have to check it out!
Liz Mays
My daughter does bodybuilding so these could be helpful. Those protein drinks could be effective for her.
Catherine S
This sounds like a great product. I need to start taking a Probiotic I could add the powder to my shake each morning.
Amanda Love
I take a probiotic because I’ve been noticing a lot of bloating lately. Its a different brand than this one but it works.
Lois Alter Mark
I keep hearing such good things about probiotics. I think I really need to try this.
Linda Kinsman
I appreciate your positive review on this product and brand. I’m currently trying to convince my mother in law that taking a probiotic would do her a world of good!
Robin Masshole mommy
That tummy aid is just what my hubby needs. I think I will get him some.
Fariha N.
I need more protein so those shakes may be great for me. I would go with the chocolate also! My son would love the vanilla.