Paint Blot Art

Everyone’s seen or done one of the inkblot test, yes? Where you are shown a card with this weird ink image and you get to tell someone what you see. No answer is wrong, no answer is right, it’s all done with your imagination. Kids have the best imagination, we all know this, and it’s always fun to see what they come up with . It’s just like staring at clouds and one person sees a cat, another person sees a whale, what one sees someone else doesn’t and so on. Art is the same, the person who makes it has an idea that they put on paper, the person viewing it may see something entirely different. This is the same with the inkblot test, or inkblot art. Everyone sees something different. It’s really fun to do with the kids because not only do they come out so different, but the kids are forced to really use their imagination for what they create, and no one can tell just how it will come out until the end.
- Paint
- construction paper, either white or colored, it’s up to you
- Paper towels in case things get messy. May want to work on some paper bags or a large paper to keep it off the table.
Fold the paper either horizontally or diagonally, then unfold to lay flat.
Pour your paint by drops, try not to go much bigger than a quarter. You can do quarter sized drops all along the folded , bigger ones, or smaller ones. You can add drops on either side of the paper, not on the fold at all, or only on the fold. It’s entirely up to the kids themselves. Have the kids be mindful of the amount though, bigger than a quarter ends up becoming blobs of paint , a lot of small dots will cover the entire paper once unfolded , so just se ta limit so it doesn’t become overrun with paint.
Add more colors or use just one. Once you feel you are done you can have the kids fold the paper carefully.
Remind the kids this isn’t done with brushes or fingers, it’s all created by folding the paper against the paint. Some of my kids smooth the paper once folded, spreading the paint more this way, other times they simply fold then unfold. The more paint used the more chance it will end up coming out of the edges. So keep that in mind. The more colors you use the more interesting it gets! Try to have the kids make a line of dots, or a curve, it ends up creating some really interesting pieces.

I love how different each turns out!
Carefully help the kids open the paper and lay flat again. Ask the kids what they see in each of the blots created by one another. Make sure to let them know that there’s no wrong answer, and everyone has a different view of something. If one child sees a lion, and another sees a flower, it’s perfectly fine! No two will ever be alike, and the answers may not be alike either. Let them make more and see all the different pieces of art they create.
What do YOU see in this one?
Be creative!
Anne |
My kids would enjoy this! Would be great for some summer vacation fun.
We have so much fun doing these crafts. Those look like characters. Lol
That looks so cute, what a fun craft to do with the kids and to get their creative side to show!
My kids used to love doing art like this. It’s fun because they all look so different.
Amanda Love
What a cute and fun craft project. I’m always looking for new ways to do things with my little one. I just might try this. Thank you.
Liz Mays
Those are so pretty. I bet you can end up with some really beautiful and unexpected pictures!
So fun! I need to replenish our paint and I want to do something like this with my kids for art. How fun! And colorful
Rachelle J
Oh how fun does this look!? I will have to do this with my daughter this summer!
I’m glad there are no wrong answers, the 1st looks like a bunch of people Kayaking down some rapids, the 2nd one is what the Kayaker sees when going down the rapids, the 3rd is what you would see if I was kayaing up to you while you were in the water swimming, the 4th is the reflection off the water while kayaking during a sunset…… I didn’t know your kids were into kayaking
Robin Masshole mommy
How fun is that? I remember doing that in art class when I was in elementary school.
Debby Payne
Orange and blue one looks like a clown face! purple black and orange one just needs a head in the middle and some antennae and it’s a beautiful butterfly. Pink and blue one is a “heart monster” with puffed up muscles! the one right above the “clown” looks like a dragonfly ready to dive bomb something! Above the green and pink one looks like a bowl of birthday cake ice cream, or confetti cupcake. The green and pink,mmmmmmm nothing comes to mind! sorry
that is really cool art! I should try that with my son