Pantry Basics with #NOWWellness

     I  thought it would be fun to introduce a segment of Kitchen Basics. From tips and tricks to cook from scratch, to troubleshooting common problems while baking I will post each week about some basics that I have learned throughout my years so far. I’m very far from any professional, but I grew up learning from my mother, and from there took off into what I know now. Some people never had that privilege of having a basic start in the kitchen and or just would like to know a few new tips, so this is going to be a weekly addition to the blog. You can send in questions, or even tips and tricks you have picked up over the years! I’d love to add it. 

This week starts with Pantry Basics 

It’s important to keep your pantry well stocked at all times . Even if you don’t cook and bake much, when you do want too, a well stocked pantry can save you a last minute trip to the store. This list is only non-perishables, and I kept it as basic as possible, making sure I listed things most people should and or have in the pantry . Yes some recipes call for something different, perhaps GF flour, or tapioca, or Almond paste, something you would have to go out and buy. It will happen, but you’re day to day items are what you stock up on and that’s what you would keep well stocked. 


Basic Pantry Items 

Avocado Oil


Avocado oil is ideal for high heat cooking, it’s amazing to use and brings great flavors to any dish. I use it with sauteing and even quick grilling for fish . Along with Olive oil make sure you keep some of this in the pantry. Ellyndale is a great brand, I got this via my #NOWWellness campaign for Now Foods, amazing stuff!  

Balsamic vinegar
Baking chocolate
Baking powder
Baking soda
Beans, variety of dried beans
Boullion , chicken, beef, vegetable
Brown rice
Brown sugar
Broth/stock – chicken, beef and vegetable  * broth and stocks are different than each other it’s great if you can get your hands on both. If you can’t just stick with the broth. I make my own as much as possible but if buying at the store, grab what has the least amount of salt. Stock is made more out of the boney parts where as the broth is made from more meaty parts. You can switch them up, but there is a difference in taste slightly.
Canned tomatoes
Cocoa powder
Coconut oil 
Check out any Now Foods Coconut Infusions! They are amazing to cook with! 

Infused with Garlic makes a great cooking oil, brings a milk flavor boosting any dish!

Infused with Garlic makes a great cooking oil, brings a milk flavor boosting any dish!

Condensed  soup ( stay tuned for a how to make your own condensed soup! )
Crackers ( saltines are best)
Cream of tartar
Dried fruit
Dried spices: Basil Leaves, Bay Leaves, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Powder, Cilantro, Cinnamon , Cumin (ground), Curry Powder, Dill Weed, Garlic Powder, Ginger (ground), Italian Seasoning, Marjoram, Oregano Leaves or flakes, Mustard (ground), Nutmeg (ground),  Onion powder, Parsley (flat leaf), Red Pepper (crushed), Smoked Paprika, Rosemary , Tarragon Leaves and Thyme Leaves, Powdered Garlic

Honey: for seasoning, cooking, or eating on biscuits or cereal.
Hot sauce
Jams and jellies
Kosher salt
Maple syrup
Variety of Nuts, pecans, walnuts, peanuts , almonds
Olive oil
Variety of Pasta
Peanut butter
Powdered sugar
Red wine vinegar
Stuffing not seasoned
Tomato paste
Unsweetened chocolate
Vegetable oil
White sugar
White wine vinegar


It looks like a lot but it goes a long way when kept well stocks.  Tried to keep is as basic and simple as possible , even added a few things I don’t keep in my pantry but most people use.  With this list and the basic perishables ( milk, butter, yogurt, eggs..) You can make anything from condensed soups, bread, your own granola bars, sweet treats, or fluffy moist pancakes for breakfast. 

This will become a weekly addition creating a Kitchen Basics area on the blog, so it will grow over time. Check back often for new posts! Each new post will be added to the main page for Kitchen Basics , which can be found at the top menu of the blog. 

If you’d like to submit a question or even a kitchen tip of your own, feel free to email me @ tagline ” Kitchen Basics” 




  • Lisa Rios

    Its really a great list indeed! I don’t know much about pantry basics, I think this list would be helpful for me to store pantry stocks at home.

  • HopscotchNJellybeans

    What a great list for the pantry. Who knew thanks for the list.

  • April G

    I don’t think I have half of what’s on this list, but now I’m curious. I’ll have to take a look.

  • Mykidsguide

    This is a handy list. I always make sure to have flour, baking powder and some sauces.

  • Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    Great series idea! I’m pinning this list to check against my own pantry. We are pretty well stocked on spices, but I’m sure I’m missing some basic staples.

  • Amber NElson

    This is a very nice list. I am going to have to check out my pantry.

  • Pam

    When my husband and I first got married, I had no clue what I would need to stock in my pantry. I wish I had a list like this back then.

  • Pam

    This is a really great list and timely for me also. We remodeled our kitchen recently and I have been thinking that I need to stock it better so that I have easy access to some of the things that recipes call for and I never have. I will have to print this and take it with me to the store.

  • Liz Mays

    These are good ideas. Sometimes I forget basic ingredients when I go shopping . I do keep a lot of different spices though.

  • Heather

    This is a good list to have. I hate when I’m missing one thing.

  • Tess

    I think I have most of what’s on your list. I love a well stocked pantry.

  • Jeanine

    Jeez I don’t have a lot of these. Will have to stock up. I never really think about these items so I’ll have to now!

  • Caitlin

    List looks great…thank you!

  • Catherine S

    This is a great list of items to have. I need to go through my pantry and restock some of these items.

  • Chrissy Mazzocchi

    I love how organized your pantry is, I ish mine looked that good!

  • Ashley Gill

    There are so many things on this list that I do not have in my pantry. This is probably why I hardly make anything from scratch! Bad Momma!

  • Lois Alter Mark

    This is a great list! I never seem to have what I need in my pantry so I’m taking this list to the grocery store with me!

  • Toughcookiemommy

    It is important to keep your pantry stocked at all times. You never know when you just might need that one special ingredient for a recipe you are preparing.

  • Robin Rue (@massholemommy)

    Oh boy, I don’t have half those things in stock. I need to hit the grocery store and make sure I have everything on hand for the future.

  • Daisy

    We made an offer on a house and hope that we get in. Once we move in, it would be a great time to clean my pantry and stock up with new supplies like you mentioned above.

    • Melanie

      We just bought a house ourselves! We will be moving within the next week! I hope the offer is accepted! 🙂

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