A perfect pair for wine- Corkcicle- Review & Giveaway!

One dilemma while enjoying your favorite wine is keeping it at the perfect drinking temperature. If the wine is  too cold or too hot  it makes it difficult to enjoy the full flavor of the wine. I’ve had this problem before, simply by icing and or letting wine sit and breath at room temperature. An ice bucket it big and let’s face it there’ no room at the table for it. Second it also leaves a dripping mess each time you pick the wine back up to pour a glass. Not fun now is it? I think it’s usually always over chilled and will absolutely leave you wondered where the taste is to the wine.
 Wine too hot will just ruin any meal in one sip which is just not acceptable.  Wine should be enjoyed and savored, which brings me to a wonderful product I have enjoyed reviewing this past week. The Corkcicle keeps your wine at perfect drinking temperature for you with it’s wonderful design.

 You simply chill the corkcicle in the freezer for at least two hours. Mine was frozen in an hour. Pour out a little wine into a glass then place corkcicle in the wine of choice. It will chill the wine from the inside, and will be a perfect temperature for you to enjoy the wines full flavor.  You may use it on red or white whichever happens to be pairing up with your dinner. 
It’s as simple as that, and it stays chilled perfectly. 
No more getting up to grab it from fridge or even have to worry about the bulky ice bucket in the way.  This is a great product to have handy when your entertaining guests. Not only will it be a great conversational piece but you can keep their wine chilled while you enjoy the company. Re-use as many times as you want, just a wash away then pop it back into the freezer where it will stay till you need to use it again.  I know I will be using this time and time again. 
If you enjoy your wine chilled and or have dinner guest that request chilled wine I’d recoomend picking one or even two of these Corkcicles up. Retail value at $24.95,  check out where to buy at Corkcicle.com
Would you like to win a Corkcicle to keep your wines perfectly chilled? Now you can, simply enter the Rafflecopter below. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclosure- I received the products mentioned above , in order to write an honest review. No monetary compensation was received for this post. I did not have to write a positive review, Any and all opinions are and will always be my own.*



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