Quick Family Meal: Pasta with Sausage

Everyone has busy days, let’s face it and no one always wants to slave over the stove to make dinner, so when I threw this one together I had to share it with you all. This recipe is quick and easy, would work with beef if that’s on hand. If you don’t have fresh tomatoes you can used can, I think 3 would bring the right amount of liquid to the dish. You can add fresh chopped peppers to this, even mushrooms to spruce it up nice. I had this together in under 30 minutes, so it’s quick and easy, promise!
1 lb italian bulk sausage
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 cup chopped onion
3 cups chopped tomato
1, 6oz can of tomato paste
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt
Optional topping- shredded cheese
1 box cooked pasta shells
In a large frying pan cook with a tablespoon butter, cook the onions until tender. Set aside the onions to a container and cook sausage in the same pan. Once the sausage is fully cooked add in the remaining ingredients including the onions and start the pasta in a pot of boiling water. Heat the sausage and tomatoes till it starts to bubble and then bring the heat down to simmer. When the pasta is finished drain and transfer to a serving dish before covering with the meat mixture, sprinkle with cheese as serving.
Really easy to put together on a busy night! Enjoy!
Marielle Altenor
I love quick and easy pasta meal! I work full time outside of the house and I'm always looking for quick recipes that the whole family will enjoy!
Ann B
This looks like a delicious and fast meal to make. I am always looking for new recipes to try.
Chrystal Mahan
My mother made a similar dish like this when I was younger. Only, instead of shells it was elbow macaroni. That was her go-to quick meal when she got home late or just didn't feel like putting together anything else.
Growing Up Madison
This is super easy and the kids and hubby would love this and best of all it doesn't take too much time. Win-Win!
Amanda Her
The quicker the better for me most weeknights. Pasta has been a longtime standby for me too.
Love this recipe a lot, nothing better than a nice pasta with sausage; it's a personal favorite of mine!
Anne | The Chef's Wife
Pasta is a big fav for my two kids, so always looking for new recipes to try. This looks delicious!
Coolmoms Cooltips
This is part of our comfort food list! What a great recipe – thanks for sharing it
Jeanine M
I love meals like this! This one looks delicious and I'm sure my kids would gobble it up quickly!
Helene Bludman
This is one of my favorite meals for the cold weather. I often use turkey sausage with the pasta.
Sarah-Louise Bailey
Oh I wouldn't have thought of mixing pasta and sausage, I might have to try this it sounds delicious. x
I make a very similar quick meal, but we haven't had it in a while. Now I want some pasta with sausage!
Nicole Ramage
I love quick meals. I just wish that there was a meal that that I could make that everyone in my family would eat besides pizza.
Kristen Campbell
Oh, I have a bunch of sausage at home I was just wondering what to do with! Thank you!
Rena McDaniel
This looks delicious and you are so right there are so many varied combinations that you could do that could dress it up on days when you had more time. I pinned this to give a try!
Holy deliciousness, Batman! I cannot wait to make this for the fam. It will be absolutely wolfed down.
Masshole Mommy
I make something very similar, but I use ground beef instead of sausage. We call it chop suey!
Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed CanadianMomEh
We had something very similar for supper tonight. It's a quick and easy go-to meal.
Aimee Fauci
Oh, pasta, how I love thee! This is my weakness and I am getting the shakes! This looks delicious and is simple to make.
Megan Chamberlin
What a yummy looking dish!! Anything quick and delicious works for me!