Quick Family Meal: Pasta with Sausage

Everyone has busy days, let’s face it and no one always wants to slave over the stove to make dinner, so when I threw this one together I had to share it with you all. This recipe is quick and easy, would work with beef if that’s on hand. If you don’t have fresh tomatoes you can used can, I think 3 would bring the right amount of liquid to the dish. You can add fresh chopped peppers to this, even mushrooms to spruce it up nice. I had this together in under 30 minutes, so it’s quick and easy, promise!


1 lb italian bulk sausage
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1  cup chopped onion
3 cups chopped tomato
1, 6oz can of tomato paste
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt
Optional topping- shredded cheese
1 box cooked pasta shells

In a large frying pan cook with a tablespoon butter, cook the onions until tender. Set aside the onions to a container and cook sausage in the same pan. Once the sausage is fully cooked add in the remaining ingredients including the onions and start the pasta in a pot of boiling water. Heat the sausage and tomatoes till it starts to bubble and then bring the heat down to simmer. When the pasta is finished drain and transfer to a serving dish before covering with the meat mixture, sprinkle with cheese as serving.

Really easy to put together on a busy night! Enjoy!



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