Quick Salsa

I love canning, and salsa is one of my favorite things to can. Only problem is, canning takes about a full days worth of work. You blanch, chop, boil, adjust and then you have to actaully can it all properly. I do love it but sometimes I just want the salsa, not the process, so this is a sure fire way to get your salsa fix on in no time! All you need is a food processor ( have you noticed I’m using it an awful lot lately?) Adjust the heat yourself by picking hotter peppers and or adding more. This is a basic quick recipe so you can easily change it up. Add more onions, choose a mild or hotter pepper, you name it. Taste first, adjust after.
4 cups chopped chopped tomatoes – Roma is best or Salsa
1 small red onion, roughly chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 serano chile
1 jalepeno chile
juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoon chipotle powder
pinch of sugar
fresh cilantro, to taste
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well combined. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
I was nominated for Top Foodie Blog through Voice Boks and would love a moment of your time for a vote.
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There are awesome blogs on the list I’m excited to be a part of the contest and find new food blogs. Thanks for your vote!
(Terry) My Journey With Candida
That looks so good. I can eat salsa but I have to watch out for sugar, so I will just add some stevia to this when I make it. Hopefully I have a lot of tomatoes this summer.
Mommy 2 J.A.M.
My sons birthday is this weekend and I needed to make salsa and I couldn't find one I liked so I bought the store one. I am so upset I didn't see this earlier. I am going to book mark this page for next time. thank you so much it sounds so delicious
I love homemade salsa! This recipe looks easy enough for me to make. Love how you can adjust the heat, I'd go extra spicy!
Amanda Love
I love salsa and guacamole. I make a really great one but will try out your recipe as well.
A Merican Punjaban PI
I don't can it but I use a very similar recipe for salsa. Fresh salsa is just so flavorful and delicious and healthy. I sometimes eat it by itself – no chips needed! I've used it to top baked chicken and more. I just don't have the time to can it so when I need it, I have to make it fresh.
Jennifer Williams
Okay, your recipe sounds a lot better than mine does. I will have to hunt down a sera no pepper – I sometimes think I live on salsa alone. I love that your blog was nominated as Top Food Blog, if anyone deserves it, you do. I will head over and vote for you now.
Marielle Altenor
Never had home made salsa before! Yum!! Congratulations on being nominated!! I checked it out and voted for your blog. You always have some delicious recipes!
Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families
I love Salsa. Congrats on the top food blogs at Voiceboks (one of my fav sites).
My oldest son loves salsa and I have been wanting to make some of my own. Thanks for this recipe. He will appreciate it. Me too! I love salsa in my scrambled eggs.
Sarah-Louise Bailey
My other half is the salsa lover in this house, I wonder if he would like me to try and make him some
We can tomatoes every year but I can't bring myself to can salsa. I'm just not confident that I'll be happy with the results.
Ronnie E.
I've never made a salsa before but your recipe looks really easy to follow.. I'd love to have some salsa to snack on with some nacho chips. I'll give it a go!
I put salsa on everything. It is my go to condiment of choice. Never made my own though. It sounds yummy and easy enough to do
I love salsa! I think it is so great to make it fresh! We just went to a delicious Mexican place last week and the owner said the secret to his salsa being so great is that it is made fresh daily. I have to agree!
Hmm, i just LOVE salsa! It is my second favorite snack! I love how quickly i can get fresh salsa with your recipe instead of a full days worth of work!
Lawna Noe
I may just have to try making this. It sounds easy enough even though I havea never made salsa before. I bet homemade tastes so much better than store bought!
tina thornton
I love this recipe so much Ill be sharing you link on my fanpage. You found my weak spot mmmmmm salsa!
Ashley Gill
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Salsa! I thought about canning a few years ago, but I can't get a homemade salsa to my liking. I should try this recipe. Thanks!
JoBeth Butcher
You make it look so easy. I wish cooking came easy for me. I am trying more though; I actually canned salt pickles this year!
Masshole Mommy
I love how easy it is. We make our own guacamole, but have never attempted salsa before. I think we need to try this and SOON! We love Mexican!
April Mims
My family loves salsa and eats it constantly. I love making it myself so that I know exactly what's in it.