Quinoa Spinach Salad #NOWWellness

This wasn’t going to be a recipe at all on the blog, it was just something I threw together but so many people emailed from my social accounts asking if it was going to be on the blog. Sorry for the delay though it’s been a extremely difficult last few days due to this move. 

We are about 90% moved into the new house, bet you are so tired of hearing this aren’t you? Don’t worry it’s almost over and as soon as it is I will begin to remodeling posts! Which is still going on. Our dining room is full of saws, and compressors, nail guns oh my! I love remodeling, but the set backs , one after another have made it hectic . It’s worth it though, and I do love being able to make choices on how the house comes together. 


On to the recipe, it’s really simple to toss together . Light, refreshing it was perfect on a hot day. I am in love with the Tri Colored Quinoa from NOW Foods. If you’ve never tried it, I highly recommend it. I love the variety of the quinoa instead of the plain white I normally use, the black and red make dishes pop! 




  • Agness of Run Agness Run

    Such an amazing combination of flavours and colours! This could be such an amazing lunch idea, thanks for sharing!

  • Ubuntu VPS

    While I don t pack my own lunch, I do put together tasty lunches for Brian each week!  This quinoa taco salad has been in our lunchtime rotation for quite some time.

  • Carlee C

    I love the nutty taste of Quinoa. There is actually a salad offering at Jason’s Deli that I get all the time that has Quinoa and it is so YUMMY! Your salad looks just as good!

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