Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

I love Quinoa , it’s such a great alternative to rice. Ever seen it? Heard of it? I spoke to a couple people after making these stuffed peppers with them and they had never heard of quinoa before! I thought I’d give the quick run down on this super grain as I have another recipe coming up with it this week. 

Quinoa is an ancient grain, thousands and thousands of years before us they were using this grain. Pronouced keen-wa, it is a wholesome grain, mildly flavored and first cultivated in Boliva. Being gluten free it is a wonderful new protein to try. Organic and non-GMO you have an excellent plant-based protein to boost up any recipe . It’s extremely versatile , and easy to use. You can use it in soups, casseroles, stews, even salads! 

I love how quick it cooks, so much easier than rice. I know what you’re thinking- how hard is it to cook rice? Not hard, I’m saying with quinoa I have less chance of screwing it up then rice. Rice can be soggy or just not cooked through even though times up. Quinoa has never failed me, and always has a wonderful taste. I’ll be sharing it today in a recipe and another later in the week! 


Now Foods has a Tri Color Qunioa I was delighted to try out ! I’ve never tried it before and am hooked! Love the flavor and taste of it. It’s a blend of white, red and black quinoa. It’s flavor is light, maybe nutty, but extremely mild, but just enough to make any dish really pop with a new play in flavors. It is , gluten, wheat, soy, nut and egg free. Certified organic you can easily add this into the family diet . Rich in protein and iron , you really can’t go wrong. 

This recipe is extremely easy and quick . It’s been getting really hot here and, if you’ve been following the remodel- things are stressful as well. My time is tied up so dinners have been quick and easy ones. During the hot weather we also tend to eat much more lighter meals. I used nothing but vegetables and the quinoa for this recipe, I love meat stuffed peppers but it can be too heavy sometimes. Skipping the meat and loading up on quinoa I get my healthy dose of both vegetables and protein. 

Stuffed Peppers
his can be a main dish, or a side to any meal. 




  • Liz Mays

    My boyfriend is totally into quinoa right now, so I should make this for him. It looks fabulous!

  • Kat Meller

    I haven’t tried this yet but it will definitely be on my list of must tries .. sounds like a great alternative to rice. Hubby hates when I make it with rice. Thanks for sharing

  • Michele

    I have heard of quinoa but have yet to try to cook it or with it in a recipe like the one above. It is sitting in my pantry right now–just waiting for me!!

  • Maggie C

    I’m not a fan of meat stuffed peppers but this sounds like something I would really like. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  • Grace Hodgin

    What a great recipe and a wonderful alternative to rice. I am going to have to fix this recipe and try it out on my family lovely photo!

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