Recipe Challenge: Day 10 – Breakfast Granola

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I’ve made granola before, but it was much more clustered, something to snack on more than anything. This granola is more like a breakfast cereal, one I’d either eat warmed up or just with cold milk. There’s no excuse not to try and make a batch yourself because it’s so easy to make, so gather your ingredients you are going to do this!
I had another recipe that I was originally going to do, but couldn’t find all the ingredients. After some hard searching I found this one, with everything I had on hand already. The great thing about this recipe is you can mix it up and make it totally yours.
1/6 cup virgin coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Heat oven to 300 degrees F. Combine oats and shredded coconut in a large bowl.
Spread this mixture out over a large sheet pan, place in oven, and bake for 10 minutes before stirring the granola. Repeat 10 minute baking time, followed by stirring, until granola is well-toasted about 40 minutes or so. Mine cooked faster as my oven runs hot, so keep an eye on it!
Cool the granola on the baking sheet, stirring occasionally. When cooled, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few weeks, or at room temperature for two.
It’s hard to pin down the best things about this recipe because you can do so much with it. Just don’t mix in the dried fruit when your baking. You can add the nuts in the oven just watch to make sure they do’t burn!
Enjoy and Happy Friday!
Have you missed the rest of my Challenge? Check all the recipes out here.
Sarah - PS Mom Reviews
Oh wow, this looks so good. I have everything on hand for it too. (Except I want some nuts and dried fruit to add.) I just turned my laptop to my husband & said you could make this.
Thanks for the recipe. I'll have to hang onto it.
Nina Say
I have always wanted to try making my own granola but always thought it was too difficult. But I guess I was wrong! I'm definitely going to be trying this. I love putting it over my yogurt.
I love these recipes your posting. My recipe card box is getting fuller!
Love this one especially!
Brandilyn Carpenter
so making this!