Recipe Challenge Day 12: Blueberry Energy Bars

This is a fun recipe because you only need three ingredients and you can mix it up however you want. Don’t have dried blueberries? Skip them and add pineapple, don’t have pineapple? Add dried apples. You can even use either almonds, pecan’s or walnuts for the nuts. Whatever you have on hand you can make up your own new creation.

Basic Raw Energy Bar Recipe

1 cup date
1 cup dried fruit
1 cup nuts

Put ingredients into the food processor and pulse until it breaks down into small crumbs. It will looks like moist crumbs and maybe form a ball. If you want you can do half of it at a time so it’s quicker. Once the mixture is all crumbs up take it out and form into a ball. Put some parchment paper in a 8×8 baking pan. Place dough in the bottom and flatten out. Chill in fridge for 30 minutes before you cut into squares.
 These are great or after school snacks. Keep them in the fridge though the longer they sit out they tend to get too soft and break apart too easily.


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