Lemon Asparagus and Tomato

This was a throw together dinner along with some fish. Didn’t have much on hand so used what I did. Came our really great! Quick, simple light, nice flavor. I may leave lemon out next time I’m not a fan but would think the rest pairs nicely.


About 2 cups cut up asparagus
Half a cup of chopped cooked bacon ( you don’t have to use this, I had it on hand would taste fine without)
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1 clove garlic minced.
Lemon for the juice
Salt and Pepper to taste

Directions. In a heated skillet heat about a tablespoon butter, once melted toss in the garlic and heat, then add in the asparagus. Cook till tender. Turn the heat off season with the salt and pepper, toss in the tomatoes, bacon, and squeeze the lemon over the mixture tasting as you go. Add as little or as much as you like!. Serve immediately.


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