Recipe Challenge: Day 16 -Spinach Tofu Burger

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Who doesn’t like a awesome burger? I mean come on! No one can say no to a delicious juicy burger. Am I right? I’m right, I know I am which is why you should keep reading this, it’s all about a burger!
Today’s Recipe Challenge became a very sneaky (incredibly sneaky) way to get my kids to try something totally new to them.
Now, yes some may call it mean, some may even think I lied, or hey in my kids eyes I am now the most rotten Mother on earth, but let’s move on. The entire point to the Challenge is to try new things, not just new ways to cook food. Kids need to learn to try things at an early age this way they grow up more willing to try new things further on in their life. So today, I made my kids eat
<insert drum roll>
“The Spinach Tofu Burger”
Did you hear that? That was my kids screaming and running the other way. They will not admit they took second and third bites of this burger, nope, they will cross their arms, stick their noses up and give you the most pitiful look you’d ever see. It’s alright, they tried it, that was the entire point. They really did taste it and gave me an honest opinion, that’s as much as I hoped for!
Grace over at Blessed Elements and Sam at Have Sippy Will Travel gave me the idea about bringing Tofu into this months Recipe Challenge. They were sharing their favorite ways to cook it which got me thinking about why I haven’t ever tried it before. The search was on for Tofu recipes!
I looked at several recipes and needed an easy way to introduce tofu to the kids. I plan on cooking with it again most definitely, but the first time had to be at a “kid friendly” level. I found the Spinach Tofu Burger over , at “Eats Well With Others” . The recipe is at another blog which can be found here
I’ll admit you have to get over the “Tofu” part of it, and just take a bite. After that you just wonder what else you can do with it. I will be trying more Tofu recipes, if anyone has any, please send them my way! The directions and ingredients are really simple as well as quick to put together. I tossed them into the standing mixer and mixed it up. After it was mixed I formed the mixture into patties.
Heated up oil in a skilled and then carefully placed the burgers in to cook till both sides were browned.
Really easy this is how it came out, My first Tofu Burger
The Spinach Tofu Burger was good, I would have it again . It’s different yes, but certainly tasted good enough for me to want more.
Today was truly an adventure in the kitchen, even though I was sneaky about it with the kids they were eager and willing to try. That’s all you can hope for. Encourage the kids to pick out some new foods at least once every time you go to the store. Ask for their honest opinion about the food. You may just find out you like something you never had before! It’s fun, I encourage you all to do it !
Thanks Grace and Sam for convincing me to try tofu I really enjoyed this and look forward to cooking with it some more!
Enjoy and remember to try new things!
Pad Thai. Easy, not something you would be "used to", and tastes like peanut butter so your kids will like it
I love that you shared this recipe. I've not tried this one yet but will definitely try it.