Recipe Challenge Day 2: The Ultimate Kale Chips

Let’s just say I had to go to the store and buy 4 more hand-fulls of Kale in order to do this recipe. I ate the first batch, my husband ate the second and my kids ate the third and fourth before they all gave me a pouting frown and begging whine for more. This is by far the single most amazing recipe of all times and it’s done in under 15 minutes. Not only that it’s healthy for you! What is it?
Kale Chips.
No I am not joking in any way, my family dove into this snack , literally face to the bowl fighting over the last ones. I didn’t see this coming in anyway but be warned you may have to buy extra Kale because you can’t get enough! My kids told me to plant extra kale in the garden, and I have a feeling I’ll be making these very often from now on. I don’t mind one bit, Kale packs a healthy punch check out the health benefits-
- high in iron.
- high in Vitamin K.
- filled with antioxidants.
- is a great anti-inflammatory food
- Eating more kale can help lower cholesterol levels.
- high in Vitamin A.
- high in Vitamin C.
- high in calcium.
Kale – Wash the kale then break it up into pieces but not too small
Half of a Lemon
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 Tsp Paprika
1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
Optional other seasonings to jazz it up with instead of Paprika
* Chili Powder
* Chipotle powder
* Curry
* Cheyenne pepper
Set the oven to 350F. Line a baking sheet with foil and lay down all the broken kale. Squeeze the lemon over the pieces then drizzle with oil. Your pick of seasonings, you can really choose whatever you like, Chili Powder won in the end with the family though they loved it. Sprinkle the seasonings garlic powder salt and pepper over the kale. Toss it around on the sheet getting everything covered. Make sure you lay everything flat before you bake. Bake for about 10 minutes, You want a few pieces to be slightly brown but take it out as soon as the edges look cooked.
Take them out place on plate or in a bowl and have at it. Perfect for snacking!
Mina Slater
I've never had kale but a few friends of mine absolutely love it. I don't eat enough leafy greens, actually I don't think I eat any at all & I know I need to. I should try this, especially because of all the health benefits.
Thats interesting..thanks for sharing, been meaning to grab some Kale at the store… Soo have to give this a try
I've been hearing a lot about Kale chips lately! I've never tried them though, I'll have to give it a go one day!
I've heard tons of great things about kale chips, but I've yet to get around to actually making any. I must try again!
Marielle Altenor
I've only been using kale when doing a green juice. This is very interesting recipe. I will have to try it because I need more iron in my diet! Thanks for sharing!
Annemarie LeBlanc
I have never heard about doing this before but it sure looks healthy and a good idea.
Fan R.
Kale chips sounds interesting, my hubby made a salad a while ago, we all liked it except him. I was telling him how Kale is beneficial and good for health. May be he will like chips more than salad.
Fan R @TeddyOutReady
Ashley Gill
I am pinning this RIGHT NOW!! I have hear that kale chips are yummy! Thanks for this recipe!
Ronnie E.
Ohh I've never thought of making this but it looks like an ideal healthy snack for those moments when you just need something crunchy. Thanks for sharing!
Tough Cookie Mommy
I didn't know that kale had so many health benefits. I will keep it in mind for future recipes.
Ashley Wintters
I've never had Kale. I am trying to eat healthier so this would be awesome instead of the junk food I normally consume (entirely too often!)
Casa Vilora Interiors
I love kale. I eat, or should I say, drink it everyday in my morning green juice. But I love kale salad too. I don't really do the chips because I eat mostly raw, but they look delicious.
Aisha Kristine Chong
Eating Kale are so yummy. We don't have that kind in our country though but I wish we have – they have a lot of antioxidants which are perfect to my diet and skin too.
Amanda Love
Your recipe is a different than most I've seen but I recently found Kale Chips not too long ago. I tried them myself and wondered what took me so long to try this. I'm going to be trying your recipe as well. Thanks for sharing.
Jennifer Williams
I have tried and tried to like kale and can not seem to do it. I love it in shakes where I can cover the flavor. I have a friend that loves making kale chips so I will share this with her.
(Terry) My Journey With Candida
I used to make these a lot when I was on the really strict Candida Diet. Now, I don't take the time to do them but they are very good.
I never thought to make chips out of Kale! Maybe that would help us get in a bunch more of this healthy vegetable.
Sarah-Louise Bailey
I have to admit I love Kale it has to be one of my favourite veggies – I have never tried kale chips though I so need to give it whirl
Coolmoms Cooltips
No way! I have to try this out. So simple and amazingly good for us
Thanks for sharing -
Masshole Mommy
I've had kale in soup, but I've never tried a kale chip before. I bet these are really good – and healthy
I have never eaten Kale before-that I know of anyway. This does sound like a much better snack option and not that difficult to make.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell
You liked it THAT much? That's a darn good sales job you're doing on it. I want to try some!
Theresa Mahoney
I have never tried kale before, but it seems to be very popular. I love the idea of a healthy chip, and may have to try making some kale chips sometime!
Michelle w/ Divas With A Purpose
I have never had kale before, but I have heard some scrumptious things about this. I will have to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!
Lawna Noe
I can honestly say I have never tried Kale. My parents sometime grow gardens though, so I might have to suggest growing some kale to them.
I have had a few friends rave about kale chips but I never gave it a go. I will definately be trying this; I love chips and this seems a bit healthier.
I'm going to grow kale in the garden this year, but I've never had it before. This sounds like a great way to try it.
I just tried these, and they were very very good!!! Thanks for the recipe. A new tasty way to get the greens we all need!!! Thanks