Recipe Challenge Day 24: Coconut Cream Bars

I’ve been on a granola crave for a long time now and I love making different easy bars that will prove to be the best for my family. These are fun to make because you can play with the ingredients. I barely got a bar out of this batch because the kids adored it!

Found the recipe at My Whole Food Life  I didn’t have that many dates so I actaully used more apricots so the color is a lot lighter than it would be if using only dates. 

15  Dates- pitted
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup cashews
3/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
2 Tablespoons water


Mix the almonds, coconut and cashews in the food processor until it’s in a fine mix.  Add  in the dates, oil and water before pulsing for a dough forms. Line an 8X8 pan with parchment paper leaving enough room for some to come out the sides. Press down the down so that it is packed well and place in the fridge to set for about 1-2 hours.  Cut and eat,  store these in the fridge.

They were so good!!


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